I started getting the dreaded anti-adblock pop-ups on Youtube when they started ramping up their efforts a month or so back, and I initially went through the whole rigamarole: First it was just the pop-up, then it was the pop-up with the timer, then the 3-video countdown finally leading to the video player being disabled outright.

Throughout all of this I did the recommended Purging All Caches -> Update Now routine on the Ublock Dashboard at least once a day to keep the pop-ups away, but when it got to the player getting blocked it didn’t seem to work anymore. Since I’m on Firefox, I experimented using Containers and found that I could just log in to my YT account on a different container to keep using Youtube until that container started getting blocked.

In the past few weeks I’ve noticed no issues though apart from having the video player blocked once, which was fixed by purging all caches and updating and I almost forgot about the whole anti-adblock thing altogether. It does seem like YT pages are loading slightly slower than they used to though.

Are you still having issues with Ublock on Youtube or were you even affected at all?

  • JGrffn@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I had pretty much the same experience you did. I did randomly find a reddit post with a ublock custom filter to avoid the whole “page not loading at all” thing. Ever since, I’ve had only one ubo failure that I fixed with the routine filters refresh, and dare I say youtube’s actually been getting faster for me lately? I did have that slowdown, due to their thing that prevented the page from loading, but now it’s almost like they’ve ramped down on their efforts.

    Edit: I’m here to stand corrected. Fuckers are messing with any browser that’s not theirs. Add the following filter to ublock if your video pages take 5 seconds to load: www.youtube.com###+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), 5000, 0.01)