Honestly, it is just an absolutely stunning shot. Perfect timing, great depth of field, just the hint of your breast, and the droplets of water against your hair look like stars. I miss doing glamour photography. It was always fun to just play with the model and the camera to see what worked for her. This is a sublime example of a successful shot. I would 100% be framing it on the wall of my bedroom were it mine.
This is a cultural thing. My wife has studdied German culture, particularly relating to their relationship with their language, pretty extensively and from what she says they are exceedingly resistant to changes to their general language at all. Hence all of the compound nouns for new devices instead of coming up with a new word. Apparently the cultural adoption of “Das handy” for cellphone was a cultural milestone since they actually used something new instead of trying to cram together “Mobile Wireless Vocal Communication Device” into one word.