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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I go so far as to get all involved parties together and discuss to see who has the greatest need.

    Fun fact i have built a team that respects each other enough that I have never once had to deny a holiday.

    Which one is it, bro?

    And where the hell do you live, where people refer to leave/vacation/time off as a holiday?

    Btw, once you get out of minor leagues, you’re realize you’ll need an actual company policy for things, including vacation. With rules that aren’t subjective to your opinion on what the greatest need is. You know, normal proper company things, like using either seniority, or date the time off request was submitted.

  • I asked myself the same question when getting US citizenship (also born Polish). Ended up not changing my name (although in English few letters aren’t exact, like using L instead of Ł). I don’t mind showing my ID, but just like you, people still manage to mess it up. It often ends up being a starter to interesting conversations, which personally I’ve enjoyed. Having a real unique name can have an advantage - I’ve never received a bill that wasn’t actually for me, unlike my American friends with common first name/last name combinations.