Love to climb up on my high chair with my sippy cup. Looking down on everyone while pretending at intellectual superiority and yet making no actual statement at all.
Love to climb up on my high chair with my sippy cup. Looking down on everyone while pretending at intellectual superiority and yet making no actual statement at all.
This is your brain detoxing from echo chamber induced copium. Welcome to not being on reddit.
The western liberal is an ongoing study on what no materialist analysis does to the Homo Sapian brain.
If he retires he’ll have more free time to perfect his Black Face technique.
IMF Borrowing Plan
Never turned out badly for a country before…
We (the western world) really needs to deal with Orban eventually.
Incredible display of chauvinism. Cause it’s worked out so well every other time you westoids have stepped in to decide another countries leadership for them. Stfu and stay home before you collapse yet another nation and start the slave trade there.
Industry competition: a threat
Deteriorating mental condition of leadership: not a threat what was I talking about again?
Serial Killers are extreme outliers. For the vast, vast majority of crime systemic issues are the root cause.
An important facet of examining any topic is establishing a patern of behavior for those involved, whether institution or individual. The NYT complicity in the Invasion of Iraq and the subsequent crimes committed there is entirely relevant to the topic of the NYT complicity in the genocide of Palestine.
Additionally it is laughable to pretend that Iraq is somehow ancient history when the occupation is still ongoing!
What’s your point?
festering in poverty and a perverse environment, and seeing how others are wealthier, smarter, better looking, and overall better people than me
Whoa a fascist with an inflated opinion of themselves? No way!
As opposed to Biden who is much superior because he’s only going to do 99% of that. You know the concentration camps are still running right? The same ones the dems performatively denounced when Trump was in power?
Surely you can see how this comment is a severe contradiction to your original assertion, yes?
Biden HAS TO listen to the American people.
Does he ‘HAVE TO’ or not?
Instituting far right border policy to… own the Republicans? Good plan.
The French have a nifty invention just for such a problem.
Anyone paying attention has known that for decades. When Biden eulogized Strom Thurmond, he certainly didn’t do it out of a dislike for fascists.
I’ve got bad news for you. The democrats are indeed liberals, and so are the Republicans. Perhaps it’s you who doesn’t understand politics?
Anyone got the “tankies and the burden of being right all the time” meme on hand?
Biden has been a defender of the US first strike nuclear policy for his entire career. You can literally go watch a funny clip from an old debate where Senator Gravel (RIP) tears into Biden, Obama, and Hillary on the topic all at once. There’s also a good one where they get shit on for the Iraq occupation (still ongoing btw).
it’s like that scene from Interstellar. It’s not a mountain. It’s a quadrillion soviet vanguardists.