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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • It’s not perfect - there’s a mechanic where you can test someone’s blood to determine if they’re a Thing, but sometimes there are scripted moments that override it and just instantly flip someone. So you could literally test someone, find that they’re clean, then walk to the next room and SPLAARBGCHH they turn into a monster.

    That said, it still does manage to capture a ton of what made the movie so special: an amazing setting, some terrifying threats, and awesome tension. Plus, if you love the movie, it actually does a good job of expanding the immediate universe of the story without feeling grossly tacked on.

    Overall, I’m super psyched to grab this when it comes out. I never completely finished the game so this will be my chance.

  • Holy shit you’re bad at this. “Let me make a broad and extraordinary claim and it’s on you to prove it.”

    Here’s why your rebuttal sucks and you’re bad at thinking:

    1. You have never heard of “burden of proof”.
    2. Biden wasn’t president when COVID was killing a million Americans, so your point is not just vague, it’s stupid.
    3. You ignored all my other points completely.
    4. Your only defense was completely unsourced whataboutism.
    5. You think claiming “it’s not controversial” is like a cheat code for arguments.
    6. Your fundamental “hellscape” argument relies on a definition of badness that is so impossibly narrow and dismissive that you’re basically claiming that Trump would only be a bad president if people were literally suffering and dying in the streets in such numbers that everyone had no excuse not to realize it, which utterly invalidates everything any human could do in a presidential term unless they literally went full Hitler.

    Looking forward to your trenchant and scholarly “no u” rebuttal.