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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • Do you have any idea how difficult it is to just get up and move country? Or to try to immigrate from a war zone to a developed country? Have you seen how the (especially non white/european) people who try are being treated??
    As an ex-Israeli I was lucky enough to be able to do it many many years ago because I have dual nationality and family elsewhere I was able to depend on, but most Israelis, never mind Palestinians, don’t have either, or the money to be able to afford to move, or a country that will allow them in.
    Check your privilege.

  • I was lucky enough to have dual nationality and left many years ago, but then I always knew I would because I never felt like I fit in there, so I have no regrets, except for not leaving sooner - before the army would have been better, but I wasn’t able too get out of it.

    Be prepared though - life as an immigrant and a foreigner can have it’s own challenges, as can being a Jew outside of Israel, and the “grass” - the political and social aspects of life might be different, but it isn’t necessarily greener - fascism is on the rise more or less everywhere you go, as is the cost of living.

    You only get one life, as long as you aren’t harming anyone - do what’s best for you, and remember that to create a better society the workers of the world need to unite, so it doesn’t matter where you are physically, you can and should still be part of a force for change.

    I don’t want to give too much personal information, but if you have any questions, I can do my best to answer.

  • These protest have been going on for years.
    The idea that Israelis generally support him is part of his media narrative, not reality.
    The fact that the protests were getting bigger and louder before 7.10 is another reason war was allowed to happen (it keeps people distracted and united against an enemy that isn’t him, and the results are instant - many already saying to wait with holding him accountable until “after the war” as if he wouldn’t start another or make this one last until he made sure he couldn’t be removed).
    When he went to visit the front lines, he didn’t only refuse to meat, but expelled reservists who were called in to duty who were known to be at protests or signed letters against him.
    They have now also made it legal to shoot protestors with live ammo and arrest anyone suspected of “interfering with military operation” (this is mostly to target Palestinians and Arab-Israelis, but also Jewish protestors)
    The Israeli government doesn’t represent the Israeli people.