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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • I think you have a valid point that echo chambers are bad, and that we should all strive to find good sources and not just rely one one side of the story.

    But -

    I think we have. Lots of people understand that idea, and lots of people have kept open channels to ideas outside what they believe. And I can only speak for myself, but MY “other side” time observing and participating in conservative forums online, talking with people in my very-red state, and watching Fox News, has done nothing to convince me that i need to hear one god-damn word from either of those two lying, conniving jack-asses.

    One dude’s opinion. Your mileage may vary. Please consult your doctor before starting any kind of exercise program. Thanks for your time.

  • “Michael Tuesdays and Thursdays” was funny, but also had some layers to it; a very complicated patient and his therapist, who is writing a book about his care - so not always totally objective, as he has something to gain. And then that therapist also sees a therapist (played by the late, great Ed Asner) who seems to be going senile.

    It’s funny, sometimes sad, sometimes very sweet, with a good cast.

  • There’s just too much… between work, home life details, and trying to pay attention to the state of the world on 20 different fronts, I just don’t feel like I have the bandwidth to be like “gee, I’m going to pick up a new skill today!” I need that downtime to veg on the couch and look at memes, it’s way less exhausting.