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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • OP posted to a movies community about Tom Cruise’s narrative troubles, and how he changed them in the eye of the public.

    Your comment recommends two movies that don’t have anything to do with Cruise, and a third, from 1988, with Cruise decades prior to his narrative issues.

    You didn’t offer an explanation of why we should watch the movies, or even mention that Cruise was in the third, which is odd since you mentioned stars from the others. It came off as you ordering us to watch unrelated movies that don’t have anything to do with the article.

    That just makes it feel very out of place. A recommendation list even with Tom in one of the movies feels like a sort of social non-sequitor in this type of thread.

    That gives a similar kind of energy that a dad trying to search for celluloid clitorist couplings has when he mistakenly types into Facebook before confidently hitting Post.

    Had you said:

    “Tom Cruise was excellent in The Color of Money which was a sequel to the wildly successful and excellent The Hustler staring Paul Newman, and despite Cruise’s personal issues later in his career I recommend everyone see both films! Also watch The Sting if you enjoy Newman’s performance in The Hustler since he’s excellent in both.”

    Or something like that, we would have all followed your thought train from the article.

  • The fediverse has a built-in search engine?

    I can only comment on my experience searching for communities in lemmy and people to follow on mastadon, but in both cases I am not sure I’d say “works quite well” would describe my experience.

    But also that’s not what I think OP was talking about.

    They want a search engine for a random fact like google. It’s been long true that you need to add “reddit” to the end of any google search to find the info you needed.

    It’d be nice to have a fediverse alternative.

  • GlitterInfection@lemmy.worldtomovies@lemm.eeAnyone else?
    2 months ago

    I hear what you are saying, and while I don’t fully agree that she’s inherently unlikable, I understand why you’re saying that you find her to be so. I mostly was asking you to question your assumptions on it, and I used some charged up language that wasn’t meant as a knock at the show.

    To elaborate, what I meant was that the show exaggerates her mannerisms to give Walt motivation rather than to create a fully fleshed out character. She’s not a woman, but a symbol of how men have become emasculated by their wives’ “wearing the pants” in the family. At least early on she’s not much more than a framing device and justification for Walt’s decisions.

    She grows as a character, and ends up having more agency, but only in the confines of Walt’s domination of their lives with his selfishly motivated, and traditionally toxic masculine, choices.

    And I don’t think you meant it this way, but you can’t really easily separate disliking her from being a woman. I don’t mean to imply that you dislike her because she’s a woman, but that her character’s role is to be a controlling wife. It’s an inherently gendered character that relies heavily on preconceptions of what a woman should and shouldn’t be in a relationship with a man who is a main character in a story.

    I think it’s telling that she is considered unlikable enough to even warrant discussing in a show where the main character is a multi-murderer monster who destroyed the lives of everyone he loved, and the main villains include nazis, cartels, lawyers and corporate shills.

    That, for anyone, she’s the most hated character on the show is enough for me to take a minute and question my assumptions on her, at least. So I thought it was worth pushing back on your comment asking you, and others reading, to do the same.

  • GlitterInfection@lemmy.worldtomovies@lemm.eeAnyone else?
    2 months ago

    Sorry, I should have said that Skyler, the character, did nothing to deserve being disliked. The show was rigged to make you dislike her, in the sense that the storytelling was solely through Walt’s eyes, even in scenes he wasn’t present for.

    But I didn’t say that. Vince Gilligan, creator of the show, said it.


    I also called it a “power fantasy.” The show’s pitch was to show a man turning himself from “Mr. Chips to Scarface.” It’s not a criticism, I loved the show. It took the power fantasy tropes and subverted them frequently. But at its heart that’s what it is.

    If you’re upset that I said that it was about toxic masculinity, then I apologize. That was reductive of me. It explores hegemonic masculinity through the power fantasy trope, and it can be interpreted as either a celebration of or criticism of toxic masculinity depending on how you approach it.

    Plenty of more well reasoned people than I could hope to be have written in depth on the subject. Someone even wrote a book in the subject.

    If you were reacting to thinking I was putting the show down, which I wasn’t intending to do, then my bad. I could have worded it better. I was trying to make the point that it’s both intentional to not like Skyler, and also the obvious wrong take to not like her.

  • GlitterInfection@lemmy.worldtomovies@lemm.eeAnyone else?
    2 months ago

    In the realm of toxic masculinity power fantasies there is no room for a woman who acts kind of like a normal person.

    The show was written to make you root for Walt and dislike Skylar because of that, but is she really that unlikeable if you step back and look at her actions and motivations?

    Edit: Sorry for being terse and using charged language in this comment.

    I’m a fan of Breaking Bad. I wasn’t trying to put it down or to say that people disliker Skyler because she’s a woman.

    Upthread I clarified things a bit, hopefully.

  • I used to be very picky about movies as a teenager, and tended towards more odd, surreal, films that I could find. For a long time Brazil was my favorite movie and Twin Peaks my favorite show.

    I was very closed minded and my first boyfriend’s sister referred to me as “the movie nazi” because I did not like Will Farrell, Adam Sandler, Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, and lots of other mainstream successful people.

    Now I am much more open to movies of all types, and I will watch movies with actors and actresses I have pre-biased towards distaste.

    My favorite movie is now Everything Everywhere All At Once, and favorite show is too many to choose from, but probably Adventure Time.

  • Even though later Alien entries have been objectively worse than Prometheus, especially taking into account they made an Alien Vs predator film, I think I am more upset by Prometheus.

    It had everything possible going for it to be an incredible experience and it was let down by the most idiotic script imaginable.

    It had the budget; its budget was $120-130 million. It had the talent; Fassbender, Theron, and Ilba can all carry films, and Ridley Scott for crying out loud.

    The viral marketing campaign leading up to its release was masterful, and the first two viral shorts are standalone works of art, in my opinion. If you haven’t seen them, and only have time for one, watch the Hello David video below. Fassbender is such a talent.

    TED Talk: https://youtu.be/JKTXYuHUabU?si=MxMrOebvoyUL6QD4

    Hello David: https://youtu.be/RJ7E7Qp-s-8?si=EoECGyfnU4GA1I21

    So how could you attach THAT script to it?

    The movie served the purpose to move two characters and another’s head to a different location. Which wouldn’t be so bad if everything and everyone wasn’t so stupid along the way.

    The “I study alien life, let me shove my face in this scary snake, oh no I am dead” scene is basically the whole film in a metaphor. We get no real answers, not that we wanted them, but instead we get evil robot trope repeated, surprise Wayland’s alive, oh no not anymore, and I can’t run sideways, next to the super human who can cut babies from her stomach and the run marathons!

    I secretly think Charlize Theron refused to run sideways to avoid having to do a sequel film with that quality of script.