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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • Well for one, I immediately deleted my comment because I think I misread the post title, so didn’t want to accuse OP. How can everyone see it still to vote and reply?

    Two: it’s talking about the trolley problem and letting one die. Seems transphobic to let the girl die because she revealed she had a dick (if that is indeed the reason). That implication is kind of there. At the same time it could simply be that both would be great options, which I think is what OP intended and is why I deleted my comment.

    Three: it’s a shitpost and it probably doesn’t need such analysis.

  • I have encountered this “American social issues transplanted” hand waving a lot in Europe. For example, I know a lot of Swedes who say this about a bunch of casually racist stuff (proclaiming Sweden to be very anti-racist). Meanwhile up north you see a lot of Classic American cars which are often casually emblazoned with Confederate flags and even displayed in proximity to Nazi memorabilia. Down south you have a rising right-wing party support fuelled by fear of immigrants from Africa/Middle East (eg. The non-white ones).

    I understand you’re trying to educate yourself and that’s great, don’t take this as dunking on you more, as I feel like you’re in the smart minority by trying to learn and reason. It just really bugs me when I hear people say it’s a US problem. A lot of Europe is holding a lot of racist views (and in a lot of cases, horrific colonial history) and then turn around to say things like “why are my football players kneeling, BLM is an American issue”.