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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThis pisses me off so much
    7 days ago

    Every movement with a gun sounds like there’s a loose screw in it (it always clicks). Also it usually has a clip of 300+ bullets.

    Every mouse or keyboard input into a computer, every loading bar, every screen popping up makes screaching sounds. Except when having a failing DVD drive or broken hard disk I’ve never heard any computer making these sounds.

    A secret tracking or listening device has a blinking red light and beeps.

    Every car, always with airconditioning, drives with open windows because of the window reflections. Even during rain, extreme heat or highly contagious zombies trying to bite you through the open window.

  • Ah ok. I thought in freedomland it wouldn’t be much different, but usually a missing person claim should be passed onto the missing persons division of the responsible police force with a unit like that. But if anyone says “nope, bye” you can always try somewhere else. Or Google it, or ask chat gpt.

  • If he, or the mafia doesn’t want him to be found, there’s not much you can do.

    But in all seriousness: yeah, when someone is missing they should be reported as such at the local police, who can contact the embassy’s office in the country they were going on holiday. Many parts of Italy are very safe, rich, modern. But there are also parts where you will get hurt, especially as a tourist. Loads of poverty, gangs, mafia, corruption (particularly the south).

  • Yes, you need a microphone, and allow them access to your bank account. If you didn’t smile, vocally approve AND purchased the ad content you will be punished by 12 tripple ads instead of 4 double. Saying anything bad about Google or YouTube and you will get an automatic double priced Premium subscription for 6 months. This effect stacks. It will also not give you less ads. Refusing to watch any video on YouTube anymore will cost you your first born child.

  • "We didn’t detect a Webcam on your device. You can only watch videos on devices with a Webcam. Do you want Premium*? Click here for only 29,99 per month.

    *With Premium you also only can watch videos on devices with a Webcam"

    This is only 2025, a year later they also want a list of the people you love the most so they can kidnap one to demand you buy Premium, which will mean they will get you premium looking ads instead of shitty looking ads.

  • Ah, a transport system with fixed entry/exit points after which the rest is manual transportation. We have a similar system in The Netherlands. It’s called trains and bicycles. You bring your bike onto the train or you take a public transportation bike at the railway station. Or a public transportation electric car at the railway station. Or a bus, subway, tram. You can even bring your bike with those. And no parking costs or searching for a parking spot. Just park your bike right outside your destination. Or right in front of your home, even if you live in an apartment in the city center. It’s revolutionary. Check This guy’s channel for more on Dutch infrastructure. We’re number 1 in the world for best roads.

  • The US is an idiot for not investing more in trains. The country literally was built with trains. People just stopped caring because air travel became popular and cheap. Just go invest in high speed trains, repair the tracks already out there, expand. Hoping someone would make trains sexy again isn’t stupid. Elon Musk is though. Falling for his scams is stupid too, but I’ve been there as well in the beginning. I was just not aware people could lie that much and get away with it. The to continue with even bigger scams. Guess I’m stupid too.

    Most billionaires just want more money. They know how to sell something, so they try to get as much investors as possible for any stupid idea which they think they are able to sell. Same with kickstarter scammers. They become rich by doing the same trick. White collar scam artists.

  • Or we could have trains, subways, bicycle lanes, roads for cars and delivery trucks which we drive ourselves, airplanes and ships. Why do we have to reinvent the system we currently have? It works. Trains for long distances, trucks for the last part. Cycling in cities (at least in NL) and cars for longer distances. Subways, trams and busses for public transportation in larger cities, trains for travel between cities, ships for massive cargo, planes for fast casgo and traveling really far. More and more is changing to electric. We shouldn’t replace all roads with train tracks for individuals to use just because they are too lazy to drive themselves. There’s lots of work to do in the US, as that country is made for cars only. Look at The Netherlands, we’ve done a really good job changing everything to cycling and public transportation mainly. Or Denmark. Kopenhagen is insanely well designed for bicycles and public transportation, even though it’s a really old city. Tokyo is huge, their public transportation system is insane, it’s perfect in every way.

    If you’re going to complain about train tracks in rural areas being in disrepair, why not repair them? Here in NL we have a track replacement train which drives at night and replaces the entire track during the time the track isn’t used. No manual labor, fully automatic.

    Just because the US doesn’t repair and upgrade the systems they have and stubbornly sticks to mainly road travel even though there are many countries which have shown that doesn’t work but changing does, doesn’t mean we have to invent new stupid shit because the American infrastructure is so extremely dumb.

    We will always need some cars/trucks/semi’s, we can just switch most of it to other forms of transportation which are already out there. Just learn to drive if you really need a car, it’s not rocket science. Otherwise take the buss.

  • The YouTube Adam Something had similar comments. For example, the Hyperloop from Musk would be more efficient if you’d use pods on rails instead of Tesla’s, and make the pods longer like a train. It’s called a subway. Or other pod like ideas. What if you make them longer which would be more energy efficient, with one driving engine and carts behind it which you can fill with people or goods. It’s called a fucking train. Years and years of development into what we have now, then to have a stupid narcissistic scam artist wanting to reinvent something which works perfectly into some futuristic looking concept which would make a perfectly fine system broken and less efficient. “Please give me money, oh people on Kickstarter, as for I think I know better then years of evolution, research and development. Don’t do the math, trust me, I have a flashy computer animation to prove how cool my idea is. I did not finish school, my dad gave me a lot of money because he says I’m special.” Floating mega cities, pods, self driving cars, terraforming Mars, vacuum washing machines, vacuum tunnel systems, solar panel roads, etc etc etc. Next to Adam Something I can recommend ThunderF00t on YouTube. A scientist joking about Musk his stupidity and other tech kickstarter scammers, breaking their scams with science.

  • Ok so I’m not moving for the coming 10 years for sure, and if I’m moving it probably won’t be Mexico. But the climate change thing is something I worry about. I live in the Netherlands, most parts are below sea level. The dykes are being reinforced, but the plans for now are finished in about 10 years and won’t be high and strong enough in about 5 years, so we need to start to reinforce it even more 5 years before the current plans are being completed. At the same time ground water levels are getting lower, so trees are unable to get water from the ground and die, so the roots will die too and won’t be able to hold the ground together. It’s getting harder and harder pumping drinking water from the ground. Next to that, salt seawater is normally held back in the ground by the ground water, but because it’s level is getting lower while the sea level is rising, salt seawater is making it’s way into the ground, killing more greenery because it’s polluting the groundwater and making it undrinkable. So I may be forced to move, as well as most inhabitants here if this shit continues. 10 to 12 million people forced to relocate due to lack of water AND too much water at the same time. Weird AF.