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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023

  • I recall two enjoyable books, both by Morton Rhue, being boot camp and the wave (and one that I liked but most people didn’t, kafka’s metamorphosis. Sure didn’t like having to interpret that though).

    At least early on they tried making us read enjoyable books, as in modern books aimed at teenagers, they just… weren’t very good.

    I think the peak of unenjoyment for me was Das Parfüm, which is technically somewhat modern. I tried reading it and was so bored I just couldn’t continue, ended up reading a synopsis somewhere and pretended to know what i was talking about.

    At least it never killed reading for me because by the time school made me read books I was already reading fantasy novels in my free time anyway.

  • Personally I just like my colleagues so it’s fun to be around them for the most part, and there are better lunch options around the office in my case (plus I’d never bother going somewhere when I’m home anyway). It being easier to just quickly ask a question is nice too. Also gets me actually out of the house and cycling for ~40 minutes a day. I also get way more done at work because working at the same pc I spend 90% of my free time at is not great at motivating my brain to do work.

    Still, if I didn’t have the option to just stay home when I don’t feel like going to the office/am waiting for a package or something, I’d find that very annoying.

  • You kind of can’t. Caloric intake from food varies by person, as does energy use. You can use a calculator for a ballpark measure and then see how it works out for your weight.

    Type of food can also matter, because depending on your stomach bacteria, you will also get different energy value from different foods. I thought an easy way for me to lose weight would be to stop eating sweets (since i prob averaged around 500kcal nominal value per day), but nope I ended up gaining weight, probably from eating slightly more normal food. What I found works for me was delaying each meal for longer so I end up eating one large and one smaller meal per day. Going to bed slightly hungry then I usually wake up not hungry and it takes a few hours before I feel the need to eat something, etc.

    I even once lost weight drinking about 2 liters of choccy milk per day but eating a lot less regular food, though I wouldn’t recommend that because that much sugar is terrible for you anyway. Far worse than being a bit overweight, probably.

  • To my knowledge AC in places north of italy is basically nonexistent in private homes. Mediterranean countries do often have it though. Poland certainly doesn’t commonly.

    Fridges don’t even remotely compare to AC in power consumption, and inside temperature doesn’t differ as much as outside temperature in summer vs. winter because in winter the inside gets heated, and in summer insulation still keeps it below outside temps usually.

  • Ngl the people in the screenshot don’t strike me as white, rather western asian or somewhere around there. Not that I have much doubt that your average american christian cartoon just intends to make everyone white.

    This perception is very subjective, usually when features aren’t super obviously one group, humans just default to what they’re most used to out of what fits their general appearance. For example anime characters will usually look european to europeans, but japanese to japanese people.