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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • I’ve not worked with a marketing team where that would work, but maybe it will for some.

    I’ve never been anywhere that I thought it would work, but it ultimately did, almost everywhere.

    I’ve found it takes a few iterations, but the marketing folks in on it love being the ones who actually can reliably deliver on their promises.

    It doesn’t work for the marketers that promise whatever they please without talking to dev, but I don’t find them to be worthwhile professional allies, so I don’t sweat it.

    It doesn’t change the “massive customer will only renew if” scenario, though.

    Very true. It doesn’t help with that case, and that one does happen. I’ve had the best luck saying “we don’t do that, but we’re scrambling to add it” in that situation.

  • It does.

    The weirdness is that the random 13 year old apparently both:

    A) Has experience on a proprietary server file explorer only that was almost exclusively in use in huge data centers at the time. And… B) decides that the slow graphics heavy option is the right choice over a simple command line, while a raptor is actively breaking into the room to eat her.

    Edit: and yes, I get that we’re supposed to connect that her grandfather is rich and she grew up with all the best toys. Which arguably excuses A, anyway.

  • We’re in a “fuck around” cycle where they pretend that the problem was we didn’t have “copilot”, and not that all of our development managers are wildly unqualified.

    The “find out” part comes next.

    Which is fucking impossible to fathom, because my fucking grocery store’s app can’t even implement search reliably, today.

    I’m not sure how they’re going to manage to make things worse.

    Actually, I’ll make a guess. My guess is we will go under the critical skill level needed for building safe hospital equipment, and we will get a rash of that stuff killing people due to lack of programmer skills.

    I hope the asshole CEOs are the ones that die, but there’s not enough karma in the world for that.

  • It’s not “superhero fatigue” it’s “almost nobody fucking stays home from the theater when they’re interesting infectionsly sick” fatigue. It’s exacerbated by “studio executives are too fucking stupid to embrace premium home streaming during the time where when the hype machine is still active”.

    I was super excited for “The Marvels”, but still haven’t seen it. I’m hyped now for “Deadpool and Wolverine” and probably won’t see that until it hits $4 on Redbox.

    I saw that Wonder Woman movie. I paid a premium to stream it from home on a Friday night. I liked it.

    If they can’t sell me movies while I still give a shit, I’ll grab it from the dollar bin in a decade. Or if I have a friend who can be arsed to make me see it sooner, well I have no idea how they managed that, but aye expect it be superrrr convenient. Yarrr.