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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Yeah, alcohol killed my dad and plagued my grandparents their whole lives. I drink a few times a year at most, and when I do, I buy in small amounts. Plus I can quit weed cold turkey any time I want. I take a 1-2 day sabbatical from cannabis at least once every 2 weeks. No hangovers, no liver damage, no crippling addiction, and way cheaper as long as you don’t smoke all day, every day. Most of the time I use edibles, so no damage to the lungs either.

  • You can’t blame a company in the GPS industry for directing people to drive over a collapsed bridge while they ignore multiple warnings that the bridge is out in the first place? It happened a decade ago, Google should have fixed it a decade ago.

    Also it can be hard to see the surface of the road at a distance at night. By the time he saw the bridge was out, it was probably too late. There’s no lights around the bridge at all.

    I’m not saying all of the blame is on Google though, that road should be blocked off/barricaded. However, all of this would’ve been avoided if Google Maps told him to take a right turn instead of a left. All they had to do was listen to the locals telling them that it’s impossible to cross the bridge for a decade. It’s negligence pure and simple and if it hadn’t happened to him, it would be someone else.

  • I had no idea about the composing, that’s so cool. I know he was just trending, but another hidden gem is Lemmino. I feel like his latest video blew up though. It’s frustrating because I feel like any time I find a good creator, I blow through all of their videos, and then I realize they only upload a few times a year.