• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • You could use a throwaway email and signup for an account. The account creation is a little tricky if you don’t use a “real name” but a name generator website may help in this, or use a combination of two tv character names.

    Also use a privacy oriented web browser that signs you out each time, something like mule for android or librewolf for desktops.

    One thing not to do is use the FB app or the messenger app on your phone, instead do everything on a browser.

  • Guess there is not enough “pack in and pack out” signs installed around the area.

    Seriously though, Everest should start requiring expedition groups to bring down bodies of any of its members that drop dead. Though it may be difficult if conditions are hostile and such.

    Litter is definitely a huge issue on the mountain. Individuals should bring down twice than they brought up. If you bring up a bottle you bring down two.