• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • So based on this logic, some gay people treat straight people like a danger to their safety, and this isn’t nice and doesn’t make me feel comfortable. Sometimes I want a drink away from this judgment. So can I start a straight bar where gay people are not welcome? Or would that be awful and homophobic?

    I know the baseline situations are not the same, there is obviously still prejudice. But the logic still applies. Likewise, should we have black bars with no white people allowed?

    Also I wonder what type of homophobe would go to a gay bar? Would be an odd move unless you intended to harm/abuse people, and if that was the case wouldn’t you just lie and say you were gay to get in? Not like you’re going to make them kiss someone to get through the door.

  • I was born in the UK but with a West Indian and an actual Indian grandparent on one side. Lived there my entire life up until relatively recently. There were still people who would consider me not British. When people either in the UK or where I live now ask where I’m from and I tell them I’m British, there are many people who say “but where are you really from?”

    But it doesn’t mean anything if I say I’m Jamaican, or Indian, because one I’ve been to for some odd trips as a kid and the other I only transferred through an airport. Yeah my DNA shows that, but my entire life has basically minimal connection to either of those places and a continuous connection to Britain.

    I got the accent and the passport, but I didn’t get the skin colour. So these people will always exist who want to make it seem like I’m not “really” British. But that is on them, not me. I am British, whether they like it or not.

    This is really a long winded way of saying: there will always be some people who consider you not truly British. Fuck them. They are idiots that have at best shackled themselves to some outdated view of what it means to be “British” and at worst want to shutter the whole country off to anyone who doesn’t look or speak like them and pull us all back to the stone age.

    I think if you speak to people you are close with about this they would consider you British. If you speak with Baz down at the Red Lion he’ll ask you for a pierogi and then fall asleep in his own vomit after a few too many pints of carling. I think Baz is much less important than all of the real people in your life and most of all, the way you view yourself.

  • I said the legacy of this will long outlast any positive action Biden has taken. Yeah people will probably vote on domestic issues (although if even a few percent don’t want to vote for someone aiding a genocide it is getting pretty tight for Biden), but this recent inflation or whatever will be a distant memory in a few years, while the genocide will not. The court case alone will take years to finish up.

    Also under the genocide convention, it is also a crime to be complicit in genocide. So what happens if (ie probably when) the court rules in favour of South Africa? Biden is in the shit. Then he has to answer for HIS actions, as the primary backer of Israel. Not a good look.

    I’m not saying “this is going to cost Biden the election,” which it seems you were responding to (even though maybe it will). I am saying “people will remember Biden as the guy who gave the bombs that they dropped on the innocent children and not that guy who had decent economic policy.”

    If I was president this would bother me but maybe Biden doesn’t care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I think r/InternationalNews was mainly created as a place to discuss issues free from the rampant Zionism of r/WorldNews.

    Happy to have people on Lemmy but I have to say, Lemmy as a whole seems way more anti-Israel than reddit right now. Although to be fair outside of r/WorldNews and a few other places, the general mood does seem to be shifting away from Israel pretty hard.

    For me this is nice to see, because fuck Israel right to hell, but you’ll certainly see the same type of content here. I like that if people don’t like it they can make their own community or even an instance, and also that people are generally more free to disagree here (partially due to lax moderation I guess). You should have never been banned for that comment by the sound of it, absolutely stupid.