• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is how I know you’re a troll:

    My point is that Russia has been and is entirely capable of waging that same kind of brutal, truly monstrous Western military campaign. They have chosen not to for a variety of reasons

    The Russians have been conducting absolutely horrifying crimes against humanity since the start of the war and, in fact, at least since World War 2. There is so much rape and torture embedded in the way that the Russian military operates that killing civilians, which is unconscionable and horrifying, is the least of their crimes.

    The Russians could leave Ukraine today and the war would be over. Full stop. There is no justification for anything else.

  • I took a course in computing systems engineering which was basically going all the way from semiconductors up to operating systems and it was incredibly interesting.

    One of the things that surprised me was how easy it was to abstract away the lower-level complexity as soon as you got one step up. It’s kind of like recursive Lego pieces, you only have to design one piece then you can use a bunch of those to design another piece, then use a bunch of those to design another, and so on. By the end you have several orders of magnitude of the fundamental pieces but you don’t really think about them anymore.

  • How much sleep do you get? I’ve found that getting 8 hours of sleep and then getting up immediately when the alarm rings is the best way for me to get started in the day; waiting too long with getting up, getting dressed, or getting started just makes me more drowsy and adds mental inertia.

    Naturally we’re all individuals, so what works for me may not be right for someone else.

  • I think the exact opposite, ML is good for automating away the trivial, repetitive tasks that take time away from development but they have a harder time with making a coherent, maintainable architecture of interconnected modules.

    It is also good for data analysis, for example when the dynamics of a system are complex but you have a lot of data. In that context, the algorithm doesn’t have to infer a model that matches reality completely, just one that is close enough for the region of interest.