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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • I went to uni right out of highschool. Became a paramedic. Has a good career but it just wasn’t what I wanted. By 25 I quit and was travelling doing odd jobs or whatever I could. Meeting people, seeing places. It wasn’t easy but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve been many places, done many things, met so many interesting people and completely changed my world view from when I was 20 because of it all.

    I say don’t let society tell you what is right or normal. Find your own path. Do things you find interesting and don’t make your life about your work. Now I am old and have medical issues. I’ll be 50 this year. I’m glad I lived while I had the opportunity. It’s your life make it what you want it to be not someone else’s idea of life.

  • I signed a DNR when I was diagnosed with cancer. I worked as a Paramedic for a long time. I just choose personally to not go through the huge suffering if things should go bad. I had the surgery but refused the rest knowing problems for someone young having major poisons pumped into their body. I was fortunate and didn’t have to use the DNR and surgery seems to have worked well for the time being, aside from some disability.

    My family was understanding but I have always been open about my beliefs and desires about major illness and DNR with them. I’d suggest a frank conversation with those you love. Expect that someone won’t understand but also know your life is yours and not anyone else’s.

  • In order to understand the usefulness of the blender you have to actually use it a lot. It has to be a common item of use in your life. As a kitchen person who loves cooking, that new blender is the best thing since I used a commercial robo coup in restaurant kitchens. A $12 blender is a piece of crap that has to be poked, prodded, messed with and talked nice to just to make a damn smoothie.

    Shoes though. I’m with you there. Feet and teeth. You get one life with them and use them every day. Take care of em.