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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • What you’re alluding to is the Turing test and it hasn’t been proven that any LLM would pass it. At this moment, there are people who have failed the inverse Turing test, being able to acerrtain whether what they’re speaking to is a machine or human. The latter can be done and has been done by things less complex than LLMs and isn’t proof of an LLMs capabilities over more rudimentary chatbots.

    You’re also suggesting that it minimises the complexity of its outputs. My determination is that what we’re getting is the limit of what it can achieve. You’d have to prove that any allusion to higher intelligence can’t be attributed to coercion by the user or it’s just hallucinating based on imitating artificial intelligence from media.

    There are elements of the model that are very fascinating like how it organises language into these contextual buckets but this is still a predictive model. Understanding that certain words appear near each other in certain contexts is hardly intelligence, it’s a sophisticated machine learning algorithm.

  • You can see my post history if you want to content yourself that I don’t just copy-paste responses. I like to tailor my answer depending on how much of an asshole the person I’m replying to is.

    Someone else commented what my point was but I’ll make it clear myself. While Netanyahu believes it’s favourable to classify all anything Jewish as being related to Israel, the inverse is what you’re seeing play out.

    Attacking Israel means you’re attacking the Jewish faith therefore, attacking members of the Jewish faith means you’re attacking Israel. This isn’t a position I hold, this is the situation Israel has placed Jews around the world in as a result of muddying the waters. Israel is perfectly willing to manipulate the horror of the Holocaust to get allies to support their violence against Palestinians.

  • Israel are the ones who made being Jewish synonymous with being Israeli. So now if talk against Israel, you’re being antisemitic. If you disagree with their conduct, you’re being antisemitic. All they’ve done is muddy the waters so that criticism of their vile actions somehow means you’re denying the Holocaust. How many times has Netanyahu brought up 7th Oct as justification for the actions they’ve committed against Palestinians? "Why should we stop bombing Gaza? Do you not remember 7th Oct?’

  • One of the simplest ways to safeguard against breakage is to have your /home on a separate partition. I realised I wouldn’t need to backup and reformat it from the beginning, I just need to wipe the root drive and reinstall again.

    It’s made even easier by writing an installation script. Simply put, you can pipe a list of packages into packstrap and use a little convenience package for pulling a partition scheme out of a file.

    I like to tinker and I’m aware that things will break so I have these tools that let me rebuild the system again in as short a time as possible.

  • Wayland isn’t trying to be X12 and since X11 has been around, there haven’t been plans for there to be an X12 either. You want to discourage people from using Wayland but don’t encourage people to contribute to X11. You’re so hellbent on taking Wayland down, rather than further convincing people that X11 is superior and it’s easier to improve.

  • First of all, we’re not having a debate and this isn’t a courtroom so avoid the patronising language.

    Second of all, my “belief” on the models’ plagiarism is based on technical knowledge of how the models work and not how I think they work.

    a machine is now able to do a similar job to a human

    This would be impressive if it was true. An LLM is not intelligent simply through its appearance of intelligence.

    It’s enabling humans

    It’s a chat bot that’s automated Google searches, let’s be clear about what this can do. It’s taken natural language processing and applied it through an optimisation algorithm to produce human-like responses.

    No, I disagree at a fundamental level. Humans need to compete against each other and ourselves to improve. Just because an LLM can write a book for you, doesn’t mean you’ve written a book. You’re just lazy. You don’t want to put in the work any other writer in existence has done, to mull over their work and consider the emotions and effect they want to have on the reader. To what extent can an LLM replicate the way George RR Martin describes his world without entirely ripping off his work?

    i’d question why it’s unethical, and also suggest that “stolen” is another emotive term here not meant to further the discussion by rational argument

    If I take a book you wrote from you without buying it or paying you for it, what would you call that?

  • I don’t control the upvotes so I don’t know why that’s directed at me.

    The refutation was based on around a misunderstanding of how LLMs generate their outputs and how the training data assists the LLM in doing what it does. The article itself tells you ChatGPT was trained off of copyrighted material they were not licensed for. The person I responded to suggested that comedians do this with their work but that’s equating the process an LLM uses when producing an output to a comedian writing jokes.

    Edit: Apologies if I do come across aggressive. Since the plagiarism machine has been in full swing, the whole discourse around it has gotten on my nerves. I’m a creative person, I’ve written poems and short stories, I’m writing a novel and I also do programming and a whole host of hobbies so when LLMs are used to put people like me out of a job using my own work, why wouldn’t that make me angry? What makes it worse is that I’m having to explain concepts to people regarding LLMs that they continue to defend. I can’t stand it so yes, I will come off aggressive.

  • Neither is an LLM. What you’re describing is a primitive Markov chain.

    My description might’ve been indicative of a Markov chain but the actual framework uses matrices because you need to be able to store and compute a huge amount of information at once which is what matrices are good for. Used in animation if you didn’t know.

    What it actually uses is irrelevant, how it uses those things is the same as a regression model, the difference is scale. A regression model looks at how related variables are in giving an outcome and computing weights to give you the best outcome. This was the machine learning boom a couple of years ago and TensorFlow became really popular.

    LLMs are an evolution of the same idea. I’m not saying it’s not impressive because it’s very cool what they were able to do. What I take issue with is the branding, the marketing and the plagiarism. I happen to be in the intersection of working in the same field, an avid fan of classic Sci-Fi and a writer.

    It’s easy to look at what people have created throughout history and think “this looks like that” and on a point by point basis you’d be correct but the creation of that thing is shaped by the lens of the person creating it. Someone might make a George Carlin joke that we’ve heard recently but we’ll read about it in newspapers from 200 years ago. Did George Carlin steal the idea? No. Was he aware of that information? I don’t know. But Carlin regularly calls upon his own experiences so it’s likely that he’s referencing a event from his past that is similar to that of 200 years ago. He might’ve subconsciously absorbed the information.

    The point is that the way these models have been trained is unethical. They used material they had no license to use and they’ve admitted that it couldn’t work as well as it does without stealing other people’s work. I don’t think they’re taking the position that it’s intelligent because from the beginning that was a marketing ploy. They’re taking the position that they should be allowed to use the data they stole because there was no other way.