QuietCupcake [any, they/them]

(it’s a vegan cupcake, in case you were wondering)

  • 0 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • I really hate to admit it, but I do use amazon quite a bit. It’s not “like me” to use a company or service I despise, despite the truth of “no ethical consumption under capitalism,” some businesses are just so evil that I feel it is wrong to support them in any way, even at the cost of convenience.

    Here’s the situation though. I rely on foodstamp benefits to be able to afford food. Amazon allows me to buy food in bulk online with my ebt card. I also have a disability that makes it prohibitively difficult to go to the grocery store as often as I would need to, and bulk buying online also stretches the benefits I get much further than regular grocery visits. Walmart and Target also now allow ebt cards for online food shopping, but they didn’t used to, and they are evil as well!

    I rationalize using amazon by telling myself that since mostly the only thing I get from them is food via ebt card, then it’s really just money going straight from my state government to amazon, and my state government (just like most others) gives amazon free money anyway, so I may as well get something out of their capitalist sweetheart deal too.

  • Look ma, another one! Do you all take shifts on duty watching this thread?

    This is my only comment in this thread. I clicked on this post because it showed up in my feed, simple as. Everyone who talks about hexbear brigading, piling on, or “taking shifts” doesn’t understand how federation works. Hexbear has been a highly active website with a large userbase for years now, so I don’t know what you would you expect to happen when a large discussion-based website shows content… the people on that website are going to discuss that content.

    meanings can change over time. If it can start being used racially at one point it can surely stop at another.

    This is true. But the group of people who get to decide whether or not something is racist is the group that is the target of that racism. White people don’t get to decide the n-word is no longer racist. Hetero people don’t get to decide the 3-letter f-word isn’t homophobic. And no individual gets to decide because it’s a cultural issue. Obviously meanings of words change and evolve, but they do so organically, and trying to force a racist term into regular usage and then say “it’s not racist anymore because I wasn’t intending to use it that way” is itself some really racist shit.

  • I’ve noticed the same thing. A lot of comments on federated posts just do not show when viewed from another instance, but do show up when viewed from an account that is part of that instance the post was made from. It’s really annoying and I’m pretty sure it’s a common lemmy bug but most people just don’t realize it because most people never try viewing the same post with accounts on different instances because there shouldn’t be any need to.

    It can be pretty drastic too. Like only 4 comments seen vs 40 comments actually being there. It makes me wonder what comments I’m not seeing on other instances and what comments of mine people on other instances aren’t seeing.