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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • Most of the people who think Trump should drop out have been loudly opposing him for a long time. There isn’t just one single thing they object to, no great unifying theme they can point at and say “This is why he should not run,” because Everything about him is a reason why he should absolutely not be president. Even his Felony conviction is, while perhaps more than a drop, just a splash in the bucket of what should be utterly career ending circumstances.

    The people who still support Trump don’t care about any of that. They’re not going to suddenly see one particular turn-off and decide that’s it, that’s why Trump should back out. They’re committed, in too deep, they can’t back down now because it would mean the Libs were actually right all along, and that presents, to them, an existential threat. And in the end, it’s the Republican way.

    When Democrats, even popular ones, fuck up, other Democrats are much more likely to turn on them, to call for and get resignations. With Republicans, that’s almost unheard of. Republicans take Part Unity to an extreme, circling the wagons and assuming a full defensive position no matter how incredibly abhorrent the crime, no matter how blatant the evidence. Today we’re seeing the perfect example. Biden fucked up a debate, stumbling over his own words like an old man well past his prime, and the party is calling for him to step down. Trump has built his whole political career on stumbling over his own words, with the only cogent statements he manages being blatant lies, and his people would rather murder their neighbors than see him lose.

  • It’s because they are. Apple wants to position itself as a “Luxury Brand” first and foremost, that happens to sell mostly tech stuff. Look at the absurd accessory prices, like this thousand dollar monitor stand. There is no reality in which that piece of shit is actually worth that much, but by offering their stupid shit at those prices, people can be associated with such opulence whenever they buy other Apple products. They just want to be the Gucci of computers, and it shows in how they have only been innovating on ways to extract money for low quality products, and not in the actual technology itself.

  • Woah buddy, you’re at about a 9, we need you down at a 3.

    “Dad” doesn’t know anything about web design, but he knows (presumably son) makes them, and he ballparked a number making the entirely common armature mistake of thinking it’s as easy as setting up your facebook page. He’s also not demanding anything here. Nothing about this exchange suggests that “Dad” was going to require that the work be done at the stated price. It seemed like

    Maybe before you go burning bridges and obliterating a family relation, consider how much easier it is to tell “Dad’s Buddy” that while Dad was well meaning, he was way off, and Buddy is free to compare with other estimates, but $X is actually a much more reasonable value.

  • Honestly nationalizing it would be a bad idea. Once it’s government owned, then the 1st amendment would actually apply and banning people, including the more openly Nazi accounts than you can imagine, would probably be illegal. It would be overrun with even more heinous filth than it houses now.

    It really is best for everyone that Twitter dies, and good news! Under Musk’s incredible zero-win leadership, it looks pretty inevitable!

  • Traditionally, being self sufficient enough to move out of your parents house and live on your own was considered a major, basic, and early benchmark of growing up, adulthood, and success. Sort of like taking your first steps, it was just considered a “bare minimum” benchmark.

    That impression, the idea of moving out on your own being the bare minimum start to being a successful adult, has not kept up with the modern age and the economy we’ve grown up in. The idea that anyone should be able to move out on their own came about in an age when a single adult working a basic job full time could afford a house and support a family on their income alone. That just is not even close to the case now, but some societal memes take longer to change than others.

  • Part of what drives Porn, what makes one setting or situation more popular than another, is taboo. Having just enough of a sense of “naughtiness” in a situation that it makes it more exciting, without going so far as to be offensive to the senses and take the viewer out of it. A generally successful way to do that is to take a normal situation that people are familiar with, something that wasn’t sexy, and make it sexy and pornify it.

    As an example, imagine you’ve… ordered a pizza, or had some sort of workman come to repair something at your home. Pretty normal, right? But have you ever paid for that service with sex? Normal, relatable situation, made sexy. Now this is a cliché these days because it’s been done to death, but at it’s advent the “Pay for thing/get paid for thing with sex” trope wasn’t just new, it was Thrilling. It also stops short of presenting the impression of full on prostitution, the goods or services were not presented with the intent to buy sex, which makes it feel less… dirty, to the average viewer. It’s taboo, relatable, but not entirely repulsive.

    Now, the “Step” concept is the new hotness. Lots of us, maybe most of us, have step-family, so it’s widely relatable. Also we generally don’t seriously consider sex with step-family, making it taboo. Finally it always stops at STEP family, not blood relatives, so it’s arguably not really incest, meaning it’s not so broadly repulsive. It makes a condition that we can see ourselves in, it’s even more naughty than just sex, but it just manages to dodge the most objectionable subject that it’s so close to.