Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.

Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.

Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.

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Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024

  • Just once I’d love to see a major government force a company into bankruptcy by making them clean up their own mess.

    Company: “We can’t clean up our industrial mining waste, it’s too expensive and we would go under!”

    Government: okay well we will have the taxpayers pay for it. Here have a bailout. Remember, daddy loves you so much “Oh then I guess you should have factored that into your costs. Get to work. And when you have no more money to pay for others to clean it up for you, we expect to see the executives and management out there with gloves and a can-do attitude”

  • Miles O'Brien@startrek.websitetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPicture this
    4 days ago

    Here’s the one that convinced my dad that connecting everything is bad:

    Your smart fridge knows what’s inside and knows you just added a 12 pack of soda and donuts to the shopping list. They sell that data to a bunch of companies, including your insurance company. They know you have diabetes.

    Your insurance rates just went up for the fifth time this year because your insurance company knows what you’re eating.

    And it’s a good thing you don’t drink beer or your car insurance would have gone up ‘due to increased risk factors.’ too bad you wanted to buy a new car this year.

    Not only can you not afford it now, the price went up because they know you want a car. I’m sure they would make a payment deal with you though.

    And every company will know all about the deal, the beer, the donuts, and all it took was sending money to whatever company had the information, and they were more than happy to sell it.

    The more we allow companies to freely operate like this without regulation and without proper punishment for breaking the rules, we will continue sliding toward the hellscape of Ferenginar. For the non trekkies, it’s a hyper-capitalist species of profit-driven assholes.

  • While my wife watches them, I find myself asking “what was the point of adding that into the show?” too often.

    It really does feel like the show is just going “And get a load of THIS sad sack, piece of shit, worthless, spineless, insecure little fuckwit who’s just THE most unpopular at school, and work, and all the cool people HATE them ALL BECAUSE [generic reason that 95% of people can relate to]”

    I’m sorry show, but we don’t need to know if the murderer had dropped a scoop of ice cream at the park when they were 27.

  • Well I mean… I sure hope not. I personally don’t see any reason to think it’s anything other than China trying to gain support from nations that are on the fence or don’t care about them, which to be clear is not a bad thing. They’re free to pursue any relations they desire, and the other nations are free to do the same. Hopefully the politicians involved are truly working for the betterment of both countries.

    That said, the person making the shady deal would clearly say “it’s not a shady deal”, and the person duped by aforementioned shady deal would obviously not want to admit being duped by said shady deal. So everyone involved has every reason to say this anyway.

    In other words: a lot of words to ultimately say nothing. Much like this comment.

  • Cuba, the “dirty evil communist” country that only struggles because of a bullshit embargo placed on them by people who are dead and whose opinions are irrelevant to modern day?

    The Cuba that churns out so many doctors, they basically have to leave the country to find work because they have so many doctors already?

    The Cuba that, if I bothered to look at quality of life statistics would almost all point to “Cuba is a generally well run country but suffers because of trade bullshit”?

    That Cuba?

    Or you could try bringing up occupied Palestine “Israel”, I’m sure you’ll have your “gotcha” moment there!

  • Lmao calling me a liberal is an insult

    Miles Obrien understands the importance of a union, and the importance of the people who actually make the wealth for the owning class.

    Miles Obrien also understands that fascists should be stopped at all fronts, including your precious dictator states.

    I’m sure you’ll use your spotlight to throw around more school yard insults about people’s intelligence or political leanings, or post gifs or emoji, but all you’ll get from me is pity.

  • My wife has issues involving texture and trauma specifically at the dentist office, so I usually accompany her to appointments. So far no office has had an issue.

    One time though, she needed to have those spacers put in her teeth, and she told the dentist and hygienist that she would throw up if it was in too long, and that she WILL bite down if there’s sharp pain, so use slightly more local anesthetic than normal and wait a little longer for it to work well.

    They rushed.

    She bit.

    The moment I heard the cry of pain and felt my wife squeezing my hand super hard, I already knew what happened without having to look around anything.

    I just said “And that’s why we told you to wait longer. You were warned.”

    They were Super chill about everything, all things considered. I know I’d be pissed if I got bit by someone while doing my job, even if that job was literally their teeth.

  • I mean… Theoretically if she had a strong enough drive train, and the car was overall very heavy, she could absolutely back up again.

    However, given the height of the bollard vs the ground clearance of the undercarriage, I believe it would pinch the bumper downward and possibly prevent the car from going anywhere. It depends on how strong the bumper materials are, and if anything from the frame is in the way.

    Source: my ass, but it’s my best guess based on studying more crashes than I care to count.