Exactly, just let it in and mate with it. What a rube
Exactly, just let it in and mate with it. What a rube
I mean, you can drink my piss if it ends up potentially beneficial to me. Any takers? I’d send you a vial of a time of day of your chosing.
Both have the same value, but big tits are heavier and therefore worse. Ahhhh enlightenment
Most people don’t know how a freaking toaster AKKSCHULLY works. Who cares? It’s of no consequence
I just villainize languages. C++ is the devil.
It’s a post by the lemmy dev, so yeah that’s a given
C++ is pig latin
I am prepared to let them all burn down. I will never pay for YouTube or disable ublock origin. I’d rather have it die
Eh, I started balding <30. At least I don’t have to go to the hairdressers anymore.
Good, now make it gayer!
Deaf! Dumb! Blind?
Haha, how naive. Snap, systemd, desktop environments, immutable or not, the list goes on. Lots of linux people have strong opinions on some or all of them, myself included. Linux people will never stop arguing over all of those and that is fine. There is choice, there are options, there are different opinions and that is great.
LinkedIn is a place for corporate bootlickers, if anything they will be elated to hear that.
No, worries. We will always have forks. Mozilla wins simply by having their only competitor be Google.
I ain’t going a day without onions for anything in the world.
And all those you named are suffering heavy losses. Good luck bro, I ain’t fighting the US government.
Bro I’m downloading Final Fantasy, not running a pedo marketplace. I will be fine.
This might be my new favorite team-up of Germany + Japan ever