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Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I call it Columbus Day.

    Many people hate this name because they find the character of the man reprehensible. Many also argue that since he wasn’t the first person from the Eastern Hemisphere to come to the Western Hemisphere his name shouldn’t be enshrined in the name of a holiday.

    To my knowledge there isn’t a single historically significant person who we today could call a wholly good person. Setting this aside momentarily. Columbus is arguably one of the most significant people in all human history. We describe the Americas before European contact as Pre-Colombian, we could describe the entire world similarly. It would take too long to list all the ways the world is different after Columbus. Just listing the foods would take too long. Just listing the places named after Columbus is exhausting: a country, a Canadian province, two us state capitals, the us capital, the second largest city in Panama, cities/towns/villages all over the Americas and streets, rivers, and lakes as far off as Italy and the Philippines.

    Most people know that Brazilians speak a Portuguese dialect while the majority of South and Central America speak a Spanish dialect. This is because in 1500 Pedro Álvares Cabral accidentally discovered Brazil while trying to go around the Cape of Good Hope. In some alternate reality there’s a Cabral Day and a pre-Cabralean America and all those placenames are named after Pedro Álvares Cabral.

    It isn’t the man that causes me to call it Columbus Day it is the immensity the historical significance that does. The man did some terrible things. Unfortunately, when you study history that’s how it just goes. If you discount every historical person based on whether they meet modern ideals of good and evil then history books will become rather slim. History is full of people who do good things and bad things but they all do significant things.

    If you want to call it Indigenous Peoples Day thats great. The same day can have multiple holidays. If you want to call it Columbus Day that’s great too. Let’s just remember that it’s easy to celebrate what we see as good while forgetting what’s uncomfortable and they should go hand in hand.