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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sure, I also wish monarchies are cut of the tax payers spigot.

    But why are you making this such a big point of having a rich old white dick getting preferential treatment? I thought you loved that shit in the USA. I thought the AMERICAN dream is to become a rich old white dick to get that sweet preferential (tax) treatment. To get your rich old white children get the same benefits through generational wealth.

    Be mad that in the EU people can pay for both a rich old white dude play a monarch and socialized healthcare. While ever time you try and do something similar all the old white dicks crawl out of the woodwork to tell “HoW cAn We EvEr PaY fOr ThAt?!”

  • It states that any battery should be removable and replaceable by the user. So this slap on tactic will only work if your device has no internal battery.

    I also noticed this is for all batteries. Not just phones, but also cars etc.

    EDIT: As any EU law there is a lot of nuance and exceptions. I dig a little further and found the following:

    The regulation introduces requirements that say that portable batteries should be easily removable and replaceable by the end-user and LMT batteries and cells in LMT batteries should be easily removable and replaceable by an independent professional.

    So what is LMT?

    The regulation defines five battery categories depending on how the battery is used:

    • Portable batteries
    • Light means of transport (LMT) batteries
    • Starting, lighting and ignition (SLI) batteries
    • Industrial batteries
    • Electric vehicle (EV) batteries

    I couldn’t find any concrete wording for “easily removed and replaceable”. But I sure hope it means no more glue for the portable batteries.

    Source: https://www.intertek.com/blog/2023/08-17-battery-regulation/

  • I think it would be like drawing. If you don’t have aphantasia and have an epic image in mind, and basically only be able to put it down in stick figures.

    In this case, you might know what strings to press and how hard to strum those strings. But you still need to get your fingers on those strings without tangling them and know how to pluck and strum them.