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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • and so many others online. there are so many very tight and close echo chambers, where people outright invent a new reality for themselves, and get angry, antagonistic towards actual reality

    See: AntiVaxxers, NeoNazi’s, and Flat Earthers.

    at least before social media these nutbars stayed isolated and alone and couldn’t get together and recruit / spread their messages easily.

  • There are definitely some federated servers that need to be removed from network

    Lemmy.ml in particular is being used to push specific voices and banning anyone else

    Banned apparently from asklemmy on there because one asshole interpreted me supporting Israel. When my comment exclusively was pointing out that the past the use made was low effort trolling meme in a thread complaining about trolling

    So thank you davel@lemmy.ml for directly evidencing that you, and your node are hateful little agenda pushing shits.

    I want to love lemmy

    But the federated model will fail if nodes like the .ml continue to online and assholes like this mod have zero accountability

    I honestly don’t feel like because I’d these problems this site is any better than Reddit.

    We also need the power to block a node completely from our feeds.(found it in filters) Also to block and ban entire nodes from our own communities as i don’t want any lemmy.ml users in my sub

    Keep being salty little shits ml users. Your proving the point to the rest of the lemmy world

    The biggest mod tool: manual ban entry for preventing certain users. Looking for a way to ban from a community an individual before they show up.

  • The problem is that there are trolls here and rage baiters.

    Having an argument with them is their goal as it opens up discussion for them to contribute nothing and spread more division.

    They aren’t trying to have a discussion but use the comment chain to spread shit for others.

    The user here never called for opinions to be censored. He called for action against trolls and bots who intentionally try pushing false narratives and division

    The fact you immediately jumped to argue about censorship rally evidence your own point for being here and that’s to be a shithead too

  • I deleted my 14 year old account after enough BS on Reddit

    Going there with no account but not really on private mode so i got recommendations for regional subs

    canada_sub keeps getting pushed. That sub is an alt right neo nazi echo chamber in which the founder and head mod admitted to astroturfing himself with multiple accounts to push hateful topics.

    Reddit is intentionally pushing misinformation and hatred for metrics to prop up the ipo

  • Yes. Especially in subs like “Canada” or any post involving Canada in any way

    It does not matter what the topic of the thread or conversation is. It can be about how Canada loves puppies. And there will be random 1 or 2 liners from new accounts making political comments heavily pushing specific agendas. Even completely unrelated

    Lots of random anti government misinformation and one liners pushing a specific party misinformation and narrative. Our how we’re some 3rd world collapsing country

    It is not natural. Same thing occurs also on Reddit.

  • You did a google search and just pasted the top link? which is a question about calculating the drag on a falling object.

    But you clearly didn’t read the responses, which the first once directly states that the original question misses the premise that it is drag on an object from the atmosphere which causes the affect of different speed. This is the same arugment you made about terminal velocity. It’s the same point. Terminal velocity and the speed slow down of two different objects is still directly related to the atmosphere and it’s affect on an object.

    Moreover, after terminal velocity is reached, the object no longer accelerates

    While this is true, We circle back to the fact Terminal Velocity isn’t a measure or an affect of mavity but atmospheric influence on the falling object.

    Earth Gravity is consistently pulling on the objects of difference mass at the same velocity. given zero resistances, both would hit the same speed.

  • They actually are. The Moon technically doesn’t orbit the earth, but a point near earth, that earth does as well. Its momentum that prevents the moon from crashing to earth, and it’s gravity that prevents it from flying off into space.


    Because the earth is so much more masive than the moon, the Barycenter of the gravity point is not the centre of the earth itself.

    And another interesting fact: The moon’s momentum is slightly greater than that of the earth’s gravity, causing the moon to very very slowly move further away from Earth (About 3.7cm a year).

    but it’s these momentums and gravitational forces that keep the moon orbiting (Orbital mechanics is fucking fascinating as fuck)

    But what would happen if two bodies collided that are large? The force of impact would be the combined momentum of the two items as you believe. It is believed this is what actually formed our moon as early formation of the planets saw two planet sized bodies impact like you describe, the resulting force spun enough matter to form the moon (Mineral inspection of moon rock shows it contains the same isotopes as earth, which is rare if the moon formed on it’s own).

    pint to remember; A bodies gravitational force is based on it’s mass. Larger mass items have more gravitational force. Because fo that, While gravity is 9.85m/s on earth, it would be different on every piece of matter. Even a single atom has it’s own gravity force, albeit very low. Your “gravity” force on the moon is not 9.85 but a speed based on it’s own mass. This is why you would be “heavier” on earth than say the moon or mars, despite your mass not changing. the planetary body mass affects gravity.

    ANOTHER fun fact. Gravity and mass affects time as well. Objects closer to a center of mass operate slower than those further away. Satellites for example actually move faster in time than we do on earth. GPS for example overcame this by programming to check real earth time frequently.

  • Once I got the steam deck and saw basically all my games could run in linux, I made the change fully on my laptops and desktop computers.

    There’s not a single windows left in my house.

    I’m a former IT Manager and system admin. And I am so fucking frustrated and pissed at Microsoft’s bullshit that I want nothing to do with them, and nothing of theirs in my house.

    I cannot believe I’m going to say this: But from and enterprise point of view, I Miss Balmer. Nadella is a fucking useless wannabe Steve Jobs tool who has zero concept of what made Microsoft what it is. There’s horror stories of dealing with Microsoft on a corporate level that attributed to me having a mental breakdown.