Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian | Depressed

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 129 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t really care what you have to say here. You’ve ignored everything I’ve said to try and apply your own bullshit to it and say “be more polite”. This isn’t your world. We don’t have to follow what you believe to be the kindest and most polite way to do something. I didn’t react like it was a personal attack against me, I reacted with frustration. You are the one who actively projected this as an attack against the admins or developers. You are wrong.

    I do not care what else you have to say about this topic. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me, especially when you act based off of it without ever asking for clarification. Your opinion doesn’t get to force me to phrase things in a certain way. Your opinion doesn’t give you the moral highground to lecture me on how to voice my frustration with a bullshit update so bad that even multiple admins from multiple instances behind the scenes are calling this a fucking disaster.

    The internet will not fit to your own personal tastes, preferences, and sensibilities. Cope.

  • Thanks! I fucking hate it!

    I post a lot and chat with a decent amount of people. Because of this I’ve regularly got 20-30+ messages in my inbox. It was bad enough that if I click upvote while typing that it would have deleted my entire message and make me start over. That’s fine. I can get over that. I can just rewire around that and just wait or cut the text before doing anything. What’s driving me fucking insane now is that instead of being able to mark messages as read and refreshing the page manually, the page refreshes automatically after marking every message as read. I have no idea who the hell thought that would be a good idea but it’s idiotic. I either have to mark everything read all at once or suffer through a refresh every single time I mark a message as read.

    The other features and what not I’m sure are great but that is such an enormous downside for me that I’ve barely bothered looking at anything else. Just get frustrated with waiting for a refresh after every message and just going to YouTube or playing a game instead. I’m going to end up just using Boost exclusively for messages, something that just got leaps and bounds better due to threading messages.

  • Yep. Will never happen. It would require @Corgana, owner of, to stop letting @ValueSubtracted walk all over him. Corgana either simply doesn’t care, has gotten too deep and doesn’t want to deal with the fallout with Value, or simply has no spine. Everything could be changed but it revolves entirely around the behavior of Corgana and the decisions he will make. From everything that I’ve seen, he’s a really good person who has a really good head on his shoulders. I don’t know why he’s decided to throw his chips in with a manipulative narcissist like ValueSubtracted.

    Value has no power and, hilariously, zero value of his own. He does not contribute to the running of the site, he only contributes to posting. He has no involvement outside of reporting back to Corgana. Corgana, consequently, doesn’t really post anything himself. If Corgana is relying entirely on Value to make the content then he’s driving away all of the other people who want to engage because they would have to deal with the ineptitude, petty behavior, childish temper tantrums, abuse, lies, and manipulation of ValueSubtracted. However if he got rid of Value then the community would thrive under its own power because they wouldn’t have to deal with the sporadic emotional freakouts of Value.

    It would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly pathetic.