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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024

  • I had a coworker who seems to look up to him. He got offended when I told him I don’t trust Musk; and took it to mean I don’t like Musk. I clarified that when I said I don’t trust him, I meant that I am skeptical and don’t care much about him. Mind you, this was before the Twitter takeover and Musk finally showing his true colours, and his only bizarre scandal about him at that point was calling professional divers who rescued trapped Thai kids and refused Elon’s offer of help, “pedos”.

    I left my old company and I wonder what my former coworker thinks of Elon now. My coworker seems to be well-intentioned but I sense deep insecurity from him-- the kind of types who typically idolise Musk.

  • On the one hand, others pointed out that it could also be an acquired trait from watching streamers censoring themselves to prevent de-monitisation. Though I admit that I’m a millennial who grew up in a very profane Internet environment and people didn’t take things too seriously, unlike today. So there could be generational differences going on.

    We getting old, fam!

  • I remember someone asking what are good documentaries on evolution that doesn’t say “this is why religion is BS”. I cannot recall a time having watched a documentary on evolution that blatantly says that. Religion on the other hand…

    Anyone with two thinking brain cells would already put two and two together and see the contradiction. When I first learned about evolution in school, I thought to myself that it contradicts what the Bible said, and my teacher and the book never even said anything explicitly. However, I somehow rationalised that god must have created beings first and evolution took course after. It is in my later formative years, through education and more reading, which made up my mind that religion overall is nonsense and the denial of reality.

  • I had a boss who got married when he was 40 as well. Same as others, I’m also unmarried and in early 30s, but I don’t feel the need to keep up with the Joneses either. I still have many things to do before I feel the need to settle down. There are plenty of people who marry late and don’t regret it. It’s best to figure out first what you want before jumping the gun, simply for the sake of social conformance and then regret it. I’m sure we know of people regretting marrying early, or stick to an unhappy marriage out of insecurity or for whatever reason.

  • Not against you personally, but your premise sounds like a weak bothside-ism that justifies the cycle of violence. “He did first” kind of argument. “An eye for an eye makes us all blind.” as Ghandi put it.

    The most rational and objective bothside advocacy is the two-state solution. It seems like the mainstream neglect this and does not think outside the box. I understand that there is so much bad blood between Palestinians and Israelis, but if both sides realise they are blinded by rage, they could emulate the Northern Ireland peace agreement that ended the 20 year cycle of violence between the Irish nationalists and British unionists. Many scholars and activists from both Israeli and Palestinian side advocate for two state solution and a Northern Ireland-style peace agreement. It is just a matter of ordinary people to look past the rage. Israel is there to stay and advocating to rid Israel is like trying abort a baby. And Israel stepping on Palestinians is repeating what the Nazis did to them and thus Israel could not claim the higher moral ground.

    There has to be a united civilian will to accept that both sides are here to stay, like the Irish nationalists and British unionists have done. But both Israeli and Palestinian sides have internal divisions and many support their own radical groups representing their own beliefs.

  • Where I live, the police are lazy but they are more trustworthy and are more community-oriented, unlike the American police.

    At first when I heard the ACAB slogan, I thought it was rather judgemental. All cops are bad? Then I learned that the American police are hired primarily on having low IQs and receive only few weeks of training. Now I understand why Americans hate them. Not all American cops are bad, but majority of them probably are. What can we expect from hiring low IQ folks with minimal training and arm them to the teeth? No wonder the American cops are memes themselves.