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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That may be their objective, but they’ve clearly failed and should be rewritten to reflect reality, evidenced by the fact that half of scientific journals use Aluminum.

    Once again - American journals.
    You’re downright ignorant to suggest that because one country refuses to follow an internationally agreed upon naming scheme it should be rewritten to suit you. That’s the kind of logic that should come from a little kid, not a country.

    Of course if you’d like to stick entirely with the academic prescriptions, you’re free to not use “email” in French, singular they in English, AI instead of KI in Norwegian […]

    I don’t have enough context about all the examples you list to make an informed opinion of them, but I can certainly take a crack at a couple…

    singular they in English

    Singular they was historically discouraged in academic writing as it was seen as informal, but doesn’t mean it was never acknowledged.
    It has been used, just not widely - though with an academic swing towards gender-neutral language, it is seen as acceptable by most academic style guides…
    However, in the scientific world you’re not really supposed to refer to yourself personally in papers in the first place, so it’s about as accepted as any other pronoun.

    AI instead of KI in Norwegian

    That’s not just a Norwegian thing, it’s a difference due to language.
    AI is not an internationally standardised terminology, so of course different languages with different component words and/or grammar are going to end up with different acronyms.

    For example, the Germans and Dutch also refer to it as KI (though in Dutch AI is also acceptable), and in Spain and France IA is the standard - that doesn’t mean that academics wouldn’t just agree on a term when working internationally.

    As said before, I don’t know enough about the other examples to make informed discussion of them, but the examples I do have context for are do not fall in the same category as America outright refusing to use internationally agreed upon terminology.

    In any case, I don’t think you’re going to be convinced by any of the words I’m saying, nor do I think I’ll be convinced by anything you could say, so I’m going to leave this here before I throw too much time into an endless back and forth.

  • Th4tGuyII@kbin.socialtoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon hates aluminum
    2 months ago

    Ah of course, the heavily American-centric forum is obviously the perfect way to prove the entirely American misspelling is the correct one /s

    You can spell or pronounce Aluminium however you like, but there is only one internationally recognised spelling, and it’s not “Aluminum”

    Those “archaic rules” exist to standardise international science communication, not to make America feel better about its inability to standardise to save its life.

  • Th4tGuyII@kbin.socialtoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon hates aluminum
    2 months ago

    Oh, really?

    The official IUPAC spelling is “Aluminium” - notice how there are two "I"s in there.

    Since IUPAC is quite literally the international authority on chemical terminology, I’d suggest their spelling is the correct one.

    If you want to spell it wrong, you do you, but don’t act like it’s the correct way to spell it.

  • I’m a bit late to the party, but I would be inclined to agree with the majority here. Your choice to have their cookies deleted on browser close is adding more friction to an already quite high friction process - you managed to get them to switch over, you don’t want to undo all that over cookies of all things.

    You have to remember, it is their machine at the end of the day, and while you might be able to put up with having to redo 2FA loads due to cookie deletion, they’re clearly not… And if that’s going to be the dealbreaker, you’re far better off forgetting cookie deletion for now and focusing on more passive privacy options like blocking 3rd party cookies, trackers, and ADs.

  • As I said before, I was focusing on all the replies that were around when I first commented that were commenting on/advocating for Trump - that is why I said “I’m surprised how many people think Trump of all people is going to somehow handle to both Ukraine and Israel better than Biden”, because that is the sentiment I saw.

    I can see how that would look like an attempt to shield him from criticism, but at the same time I don’t think I’m wrong in saying it doesn’t really matter - unless you want Trump in the Whitehouse again, Biden is the only choice…

    I’m not saying I like the fact that the only two candidates we have are basically “allow the genocide to continue for the foreseeable future” or “escalate the genocide, and let Russias do what they want to Ukraine”, but that is what we’re stuck with.