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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • He doesn’t try to prevent crime, he simply delights in the sadistic act of beating up criminals, which is ironically a crime.

    He instantly judges people based on which side of the law they stand on, but when he is declared a criminal himself, he doesn’t even attempt to reflect on it. He just keeps punching.

    When his own friend is revealed to be a rapist, murderer and war criminal(?), he has no interest [“I’m not concerned with speculating on the moral lapses of men who died in their country’s service”], because he doesn’t actually care about crime, he just uses ‘fighting crime’ as an excuse for his real passion, beating up those he considers undesirables.

    He’s a hypocrite (and a fascist).

  • It’s the same story with tons of films: Taxi Driver, Joker, The Boys, Watchmen. They get universal praise from the left and right.

    The Left: “This insightful satire shows the protagonist’s slow descent from obsession and inceldom into terrorism and psychopathy. It serves as a stark reminder of how these thought patterns are the beginnings of a societal tragedy.”

    The Right: “I fucking love this guy. He just shoots the people he doesn’t like. Based. Highly recommended.”

  • Often antiperspirants create a cycle of dependency. They kill off some of the benign bacteria and favour the ones that produce strong body odour, so if you stop using them you stink.

    I grew up in a region where no-one used antiperspirant or deodorant. Nobody smelt bad. People have a smell, but its not strong.

    When I moved to the city and smelt post-basketball teenage BO, it was so bad.

    I dont use antipersperant. I have asked many people if I smell, all agree I dont.