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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • UmeU@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIt's real
    15 days ago

    The onion should do a satire version of this article…

    #1) BizzBop: a can of soda

    #2) shaplopped: sitting down in your chair too hard

    #3) smooly-D: having difficulty keeping aim at the urinal.

    #4) snorkeling: to have such abundance that you are euphemistically ‘swimming’ in something.

    Last night I shaplopped, was snorkeling in bizzbop so hard that my smooly-D was straight killing it.

    What else y’all got?

  • You just said that liberals are hardcore capitalists despite the fact that liberals are the ones pushing for a hybrid socialist democracy where key industries are socialized so that rampant corruption, which is an effect of the invisible hand, can be avoided. You go on to say that liberal means conservative.

    Phrases like ‘we are living in a post truth world’ are a self fulfilling prophecy for those who use that phrase… for the rest of us you just sound like a far-right provocateur.

    It appears you are either very confused or you are a dishonest interlocutor and are completely full of shit.

  • While forensic linguistics is pretty cool, the Unabomber was caught because they released his manifesto and his brother’s wife and brother recognized the unusual phrasing such as ‘Eat your cake and have it too’.

    If an author has a large amount of known works then it’s not too difficult to identify other writings by that same author. But if the author does not have a large body of writing that is known to come from that individual, then the best we can do is determine an approximate age and geographic location where the Individual grew up, and that’s only when the unidentified writing is large enough, like in the case of the Unabomber where his manifesto was 30k words.

  • I feel like I am talking with a bot who is programmed to annoy the scientifically literate.

    Let us all bask in the absurdity of your thought process:

    You first say ‘the CIA says that they can perform telepathy’, and then you say ‘the CIA says that they cannot perform telepathy’, then you say ‘I don’t trust what the CIA says’, and therefore: ‘the CIA can do telepathy’

    Despite this horribly flawed methodology, the concept of telepathy is widely known to be pseudoscience. The claims of telepathy do not hold up to scrutiny. Your theories are easily debunked.

    Radin’s ideas and work have been criticized by scientists and philosophers skeptical of paranormal claims. The review of Radin’s first book, The Conscious Universe, that appeared in Nature charged that Radin ignored the known hoaxes in the field, made statistical errors and ignored plausible non-paranormal explanations for parapsychological data.

    You cite a quack who has a Wikipedia article that is 75% explaining how he is not a trustworthy source.

    Lastly, if telepathy were a real actual thing that people can do, do realize how many other aspects of reality must also be of a conspiratorial nature? Its borderline paranoid schizophrenia to think something like telepathy is real and the CIA is covering it up.

    Hopefully you can raise your standard of what constitutes evidence and apply a little more skeptical thinking when you come across wild claims that demand extraordinary evidence.

  • I disagree with her decision for a few reasons but I’ll defend her right to choose.

    There are always going to be people who don’t want to be here anymore for whatever reason, and so the government needs to provide a humane way of dealing with these situations.

    Like with abortion, access to controlled procedures with trained professionals reduces harm. Restricting access to safe procedures will cause more harm than it prevents.

    Definitely sad. Possibly the wrong choice for her, possibly the right choice, but it’s her choice to make despite how I might feel about it.