Alt account:, used to interact in places where federation is still spotty on .world.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • From a technical point of view:

    • Appimages are like MacOS .app programs. You download a random executable from a random website, that contains everything it needs to run. It’s the antithesis of the Linux way. Great for portability, awful for everything else. There are no automatic updates unless the developer explicitly bothers to implement them.
    • Snaps are like docker containers. Each snap also contains everything it needs to run, but at least there is a centralized update system.
    • Flatpaks are like another package manager layered over your OS. It manages its own dependency system isolated from your main dependency management. It updates its stuff pretty much like apt/dnf/pacman.
    • Native are managed through your distro’s package manager, obviously.

    From a feature/version point of view:

    • If you have a bleeding edge or quickly moving distro, native packages are fine if you want/need up to date software. Arch users shouldn’t need Flatpaks for example. The downside is that those packages are made by the distro’s maintainers so can be anywhere from untested pre-release software (happened in Manjaro) to extremely outdated (like in Debian oldstable).
    • Flatpaks/Snaps/Appimages are more and more maintained and packaged by their developers. It’s great for them as you only need to package once, all bug reports are on versions you control, and you don’t need to depend on a distro’s maintainer time and will to push updates to users. For stable distros users, this is theoretically the best of both worlds: a stable, tested OS with up to date user facing applications.

    From a philosophical point of view:

    • Appimages and Flatpaks are fully FOSS. Flathub is the dominant ways of distributing Flatpaks but anyone can create a competitor.
    • Snaps are distributed through Canonical’s Snap Store, which is not FOSS and is vulnerable to Canonical’s corporate meddling.

    My personal preference:

    • Flatpaks for GUI apps, native for CLI tools
    • Appimages as a last resort if it’s the only way to get a specific app.
    • Snaps never.

  • I’m glad to see that the gap between RB and the competition is slowly closing. Maybe it was a one off, maybe they expected rain all weekend and went with a setup that favors stability over performance, maybe it was a dead bird, maybe Aston’s and Merc’s upgrades really work.

    Ferrari took a gamble and DID NOT FUCK UP. That was a refreshing change of pace, especially after being in full Ferrari fuck up mode all weekend (all year so far?).

    The battle between Alonso and Hamilton was epic, as were the ones behind Albon who held onto his spot by sheer will and raw pace.

    De Vries being De Vries, taking himself and K-Mag out on an open online lobby divebomb…

    All in all, a great race :D

  • Yeah, no problem with a super tight community on a forum. I’m part of places like that, they’re great, we really know each other, some of the people I met there are now some of my closest friends.

    I just feel that for place(s) like here, everyone should have the right to choose what content they want (or not) to see in this fast growing network.

  • undefined> wants a curated community and doesn’t. has a tougher sign up process while it’s basically free at

    To be fair beehaw seems very different from the joyous anarchic freedom we enjoy here (I’ve been on Lemmy for a week and feel more at home than I ever was on Reddit). No right to create new communities, registration needs approval…

    maybe they’ll come back to the federation, maybe they’ll be their own thing. I hope for the former because there is some great content there too.