Em Adespoton

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • You realize that a significant portion of the bible is the collected letters and works that were at the time (that it was assembled) considered credible, right?

    There’s a period of around 80 years that’s pretty hard to account for, but unlike the four gospels where there’s little corroborating evidence that tracks back into that 80 year period, the epistolary works are pretty likely to be authentic. They also reference a bunch of other letters that didn’t survive, something that tends to make them more likely authentic than not. And they involve people who were eyewitnesses of a man named Jesus (or Joshua or Yeshua if you prefer) and his younger (step) brothers.

    The rest of the statements about him were solidified by 80 years or so after his death, but all the accounts don’t quite line up — which is actually a good argument for them being based on actual events.

    So while there may be plenty of room for debate as to how much of the biblical teachings actually originated with a man named Jesus, his actual existence seems more evident than, say, Shakespeare.

  • The title and the poll don’t match?

    The poll was on whether Canadians think Canada should be officially bilingual. Outside Quebec, the majority of people polled don’t— which is part of the reason why official bilingualism is important.

    Is official bilingualism a myth? They’d have to poll for whether those in jobs that have a bilingual requirement are actually bilingual to answer that question.

    Personally, I also question the validity of the poll, as the population sample could be really easily skewed depending on how the poll was performed.

  • It should be reasonably trivial to programmatically watch the frames; original programming will have mastered audio levels and set video compression; any shift to an ad should stand out like a sore thumb.

    So as long as things aren’t locked down to a DRM’d player, it should be possible to fingerprint the audio and video stream content and drop any inserted frames that don’t match.

    If YouTube decides to mangle the original content to fight back… then maybe that’s finally the impetus people will need to switch platforms.

  • Well, in the case of Bedouins, it technically isn’t a genocide…. Seems ironic to me that a member of a group that is traditionally migratory refuses to leave. But the reason is obvious: if they leave, they’ll have nowhere to come back to and nowhere to go.

    Climate change (local as well as global) has been hard on the Bedouin everywhere.

    And it also points out that the Israeli expansionists aren’t just about Palestinian genocide; they don’t want anyone who’s not Jewish on the land. And I’m sure if they ever accomplished that, the goalposts would move to “only practicing Jews allowed” and following that, “only orthodox Jews allowed” — except that the orthodoxy wouldn’t necessarily line up with how we’ve traditionally used that term.

  • Once upon a time print shops would only accept files in Quark Xpress format. Eventually, they came to accept InDesign documents too. They have licenses for the software and workflows and toolchains set up to integrate those files into their existing prepress and press systems.

    LaTeX is purely for academic markup for postscript printing. VivaDesigner and its kind? Only niche and hobby layout and print.

    That said, I only share in PDF now, so I use other software for the layout phases and don’t care that it isn’t portable to other shops.