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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


    1. doesnt have time, unassigns themselves

    Because someone else took over, as the person even says in a comment.

    1. Priority gets set lower

    Priority got set back to the priority it was at 4 minutes before. The priority being changed was clearly a mistake.

    1. A guy wants to work on it
    2. That guy doesnt work at Mozilla anymore


    1. The bug went from priority P5 to P1 and doesnt block anything anymore

    It got retriaged. There are processes for this and it’s totally normal.

    This is really bad. Especially as it seems like not that big of a change.

    No it really isn’t bad at all. And it’s a massive change, the linked bug is a meta bug which means it is simply used to track the actual work. See all the bugs in the depends on section? That’s where the real work happens and there has been a ton of progress made.

    Also believe it or not, lots of discussion happens outside of bugs. You really have no idea what is going on just by looking at bug activity.

  • ahal@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldImmich public roadmap
    16 days ago

    Ah, yeah I guess you can’t browse your photos using a file system view. I just meant that it won’t automatically reorganize your pictures on the file system.

    However you can create albums via an API call. You could probably write a script that adds each folder to an album or something.

  • Same reason most non technical people using Linux today do so on the Steam Deck. If you want to spread Linux, trying to convince individuals is going about it all wrong.

    You need to convince Canonical or Red Hat to spend more on partnerships with manufacturers. I’m not sure if anyone else has deep enough pockets.

  • I don’t defend manufacturers that do this or anything, but personally I hate cords and want to go wireless for everything. Of course a headphone jack doesn’t prevent me from doing that, but given the choice of two identical phones except for a 3.5mm jack, I’m choosing the one without.

    Why have a hole that I’m never going to use that can trap dust, allow water in, take up a tiny bit of space and make the phone look less appealing (to me)?