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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • bloodfart@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    12 hours ago

    Oh well, if you clearly communicate your needs during the primary and fall in line for the general then why wouldn’t the democrats reward your loyalty by adopting your positions!

    How clear and transparent would the upcoming trump presidency have to be for you to jump ship from the democrats and take up a position that they have to aim for in 2028?

  • bloodfart@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    14 hours ago

    Voting for what you actually want to happen is literally the only way to communicate your needs to political parties that they actually listen to.

    There are people whose whole education and job is just to know how many people in a given district that the party can pick up by adopting aspects of a particular platform.

    Tell them! Tell them that you won’t vote for them unless they take up the antiwar, Medicare for all torch! Tell them that they can’t get your district without a housing guarantee and free school lunch! Tell them to stop the genocide in the only way they listen to!

    It’s not a protest to use your vote.

  • bloodfart@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    18 hours ago

    I’m voting party for socialism and liberation and you can too. They’re running Claudia de la Cruz on a platform of Palestinian statehood and an end to arms shipments to Israel.

    For me there’s no better time to start building a new American political formation. If the democrats wise up and snap left when they see the third party/lack of turnout then that’s fine too.

  • I mean yes you’re right but also most microorganisms that cause disease die quickly without their little droplets and particles to cling to.

    On the other hand, procedure masks rely on those droplets to be the microorganism carriers that they can more easily stop instead of falling back on electrostatic attraction as the lil guys float through em.

    In conclusion, infectious disease is a land of contrasts and while hospitals can rely on technologically advanced hvac systems to maintain a narrow range of temperature and humidity that represents a trade off between reduced micro environments, reduced airborne transmission and safely storing all their poultices and potions, normal people need to just do our best and maybe should accept the reduced mold and microorganisms over all in exchange for more chance of airborne transmission when cleaning our homes and workplaces (which are all fucked if there’s airborne transmission anyway because no one has appropriate air cleaners in their home or workplace).

  • alright, go through the ubuntu installer and pick the “install alongside” option when it comes up. it ought to be at the same time that it offers you the option to erase the disk altogether. the “installation type” menu. if you don’t get that option, stop and say so.

    e: i just finished installing ubuntu desktop lts alongside windows 11 in a vm using the process you’re doing. its the disk selection menu, not the installation type.

  • right on, you have enough space to not end up in trouble!

    in windows, right click the start menu and choose “disk management”

    it’ll bring up an old looking MSI that shows your drive and the different partitions it has.

    right click the C drive and choose “shrink”.

    you’ll get asked how much you want to shrink it by iirc. type in the number and click okay.

    once that is done, the disk management window will show the new free space.

    if everything goes as planned, make sure you turned off bitlocker and restart into windows.

  • Imma just start typing and see where this goes:

    Sd cards arent the same as usbs or ssds. They seem the same because it’s like the same thing right? But they’re not.

    Most usbs and all ssds have a controller that actually handles writing and reading to and from the memory chip. The controller lets them do things like recognize bad spots and write data elsewhere, perform secure erase functions, wear leveling and all sorts of the kinda stuff we expect of components we’re gonna use as hard drives.

    Sd cards almost universally don’t have that controller. The goal for sd cards was to provide bulk storage to all kinds of embedded devices like cameras and later, phones. Because there’s no controller, there’s no wear leveling, no overprovisioning, no secure erase. That’s fine because the goal was always to just slam the sucker full of pictures and never erase it till it gets full, then start all over again.

    But if sd cards aren’t acceptable hard drives then how come we use them in little sbcs like raspberry pi and whatnot?

    Well the install process in that case almost always writes the system to the card first instead of doing a million reads and writes to figure out what repositories are available, updating packages, etc. sbc systems using sd cards as their storage are also (or should be!) configured to do minimal writes, with constrained log sizes and minimal swap.

    So don’t use an sd as a usb or hard drive.

    People might say that I’m wrong in replies to this post. They’ll say that sd cards are fine and that they have over 20k write cycles on their hyinx megacard128. Sd fails silently. I am not wrong. You literally just had problems installing from an sd. I can’t tell for sure if your problems came from using an sd or misconfiguring the new partition scheme but it sure as heck didn’t help that you used an sd as your install media.

    Okay, now you said you have windows back up and running. Is it fully recovered and working good?

    Is it using the whole drive?

    Do you have all your files back?

    Have you made a backup?

    If you answer these questions I can walk you through the process of setting up windows to dual boot Linux in a way that won’t fuck up.

  • If you’re able to hold it long enough and you’re truly worried, folding a wet paper towel over a couple of times and using the hand soap to clean the seat and then folding it over again to get a “rinse” before you sit down is a better way to go about it.

    “I’m worried about germs on the toilet seat”

    “Well, they gave you paper towels, soap and running water, why not clean the motherfucker?”

    “Nah, imma just put the thinnest material known to man in between my butt and the seat”

  • While you’re right that going all the way up to the 4.2v that the battery is rated for is worse than if it just stayed at 4v, by not discharging to half or more you’re reducing the charge cycles which directly correlates to longer life.

    Ultimately in lieu of a charge controller or os that does that for you, the easiest way for a user to extend battery life without going psycho mode is to charge they phone, eat hot chip and lie.

    I know all the macs and iphones have that predictive charging thing where if you’re always leaving your phone or computer or phone plugged in overnight they’ll keep it around 80% or so till about an hour before you wake up and charge the rest of the way then.

    Windows computers have something called smart charging but I don’t have any experience with it.

    Theres a bunch of different ways to control charging in Linux.

    It really seems like this is a solved problem and I’m glad to not be worrying about plugging and unplugging my phone to maximize my battery life.