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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024


  • bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlCheckmate Valve
    2 days ago

    Come on dude…are you kidding? You and I could do a family share without any risk to each other and share our entire libraries tonight. That is not the sameas handing off to your buddies. I love the family sharing program, I am currently using it. I am not against piracy. Let’s get all that out of the way.

    Surely you see the potential issue here if this is supposed to be a family sharing program?

  • Tell me a single FLOSS NLE I can use professionally. I’m all ears. Truly.

    You only use FLOSS right? What phone do you have? Computer? What apps/software do you use for work and entertainment? Let’s really drill down here. Because if you’re going to drop bombs and attack me you better have your house in order.

    I identified the significant hurdles open source NLE’s face. It’s reality. It’s why they aren’t being used professionally at all. If they can’t even reach 10% feature parity they aren’t on the table dude. I have bills, I have obligations. You think a client is going to accept “no I can’t fix that simple problem because my free NLE won’t let me but this other free one that’s closed source does”? Imagine this conversation.

    Hobbyists can hack away with these limited tools. It’s why drew that distinction. But i can’t unless I want to quit my career over not using Resolve/Premiere/Avid. You going to end your income over FLOSS?

  • “Red pill” is a matrix reference (take the blue pill and go back to your normal life or take the red pill and “see how deep the rabbit hole goes”) high jacked by sexist dudes who see “taking the red pill” as waking up to (perceived) social injustice against men. They show up in threads claiming women routinely lie about being assaulted and hide behind male victims (which exist and need to be heard) as they deny that women can be victims. They get mad when a woman is in Star Wars. They are the kind of people constantly saying “me too went gone too far” and end up pushing crap like Gamer Gate. They are also generally very right wing/overlap with “men’s rights activists.”

  • Yeah especially the rate of improvements right now. It’s wild how many features are added annually. Audio tools alone are going through a meteoric improvement cycle. It’s baffling what I can do now that wasn’t even theorized by the industry 5 years ago.

    Resolve is great and the free version is very robust. Don’t try to learn it all. Learn how to import, cut, export. Then learn how to color. Then transform. Whatever you need as you need it.

    Their tutorials are also very excellent

    Edit: thinking more on this subject, I think if someone really wanted to take a crack at this they need to focus on automatic correction/repair tools.

  • 3 of them are about themes (2 of the 3 are the same so it’s 2 things about themes), and they just added ripple delete?

    Long road ahead. Especially with Resolve doing more in a quarter than projects like this do in a few years. I get it’s not meant to compete with Hollywood/commercial grade NLE’s but frankly the gap between them seems to just get wider and wider every year. I feel like most NLE’s that aren’t part of the big 4 (Adobe/Avid/Black Magic/Final Cut limping along) just can’t get past a very simplistic “you can cut and rearrange” proposition. Blender integration is the major exception here, which is admittedly very useful! But idk. I seek more FLOSS/FOSS stuff where I can and NLE’s just always seem so underpowered I can’t justify even learning them.

    I just can’t help but call out how the “game changer” is it looks more polished. It’s important to have a good UI/sleek look but “game changer”? I expected to read about a feature/tool.

    Edit: I really want to be fair to the developers here, because what they are doing is no small task. But the major hurdle here is convincing people to learn their particular NLE when there are so many out there and a lot of them are a little more standardized but still very distinct with their own learning curves. So every minute you spend learning this one, you’re not learning another one that may be more useful/applicable for what you need. But hey, to those of you who use this software and get use out of it, that’s awesome. I don’t want to discourage folks or act like this thing is useless. i’m just not sure what the future is for projects like this.

  • I didn’t say nazis weren’t christians. I think this conversation simply isn’t lending itself to a nuanced discussion unfortunately, people are getting too incensed over it. Nazis are bad. Republicans are installing Christo-fascism and it’s a huge problem. All of these things I agree with. I am just talking about the relationship of the 3rd reich and christianity, which is not as simple as you want it to be. It’s a fascinating, if dark, subject. You’d do well to go read about it tbh. It taught me a lot about institutions can be wielded like cudgels even against their own interests.

  • bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    5 days ago

    Look we can be flippant about how evil organized religion is or we can discuss history. We can’t just vacillate between the two and expect a productive discussion. Major Christian institutions were attacked by the nazi party/hitler. This is historical fact. Whether or not they branded themselves as Christian or even were Christian doesn’t change that fact. They went after both Catholic and Protestant institutions across the country. Many clergy were arrested and/or killed. This is history, not another proxy battle for “church bad.”

    I mean the nazi party had “socialist” in its name. Would it not be pretty reductionist of me to say “they were socialist”?

  • bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    5 days ago

    The nazi party espoused its own distinct, schismatic form of Christianity as it repressed Catholics and Protestants across the country. I am NO defender of the church but to act like churches/institutions weren’t attacked during that era is revisionist history. They were absolutely repressed, if certainly nowhere near as severely as Judaism was (which “repressed” doesn’t even come close to covering).