• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I don’t think it’s the brain but rather our consciousness that is limited. Our sensory inputs are always on and processed by the brain, but our consciousness is very picky and also slow.

    People can sometimes recall true memories that they weren’t aware of, or react to things they didn’t think of and such.

    Consciousness is also somehow lagging behind the actual decision making, but always presents itself as the cause of action.

    Sort of like Windows telling you that you removed a USB stick 2 seconds after you did it and was well aware of it happening. Consciousness is like that, except it takes responsibility for it too…

    When it encounters something that it didn’t predict, it’ll tell you that “yeah this happened and this is why you did that”. Quite often the explanation for doing something is made up after it happened.

    This is a good thing mostly, because it allows you to react faster than having to consider your options consciousnessly. You do not need to or have time to make a conscious decision to dodge a dodgeball, but you’ll still think you did.

  • It’s always a resistor. Planned obsolescence is basically putting a too small resistor somewhere. The parts they make for repair shops are usually better, so if you do take the time to swap a print, you will have a better appliance afterwards for a fraction of the cost of a new shitty machine.

    Soldering the specific resistor can be done too, but for anyone who doesn’t have a stock of resistors and soldering tools/skill it’s usually a easier and just as cheap to get new print if they’re available.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldThe mark
    11 days ago

    No. People who are older than that have a smallpox vaccination scar on the shoulde from the vaccines in 1958-1977.

    The arm thing is just an urban myth and plays on confirmation bias. Almost everyone have a freckle there for no good reason.

    However… Mexicans actually have a tuberculosis vaccination mark on the arm, but most other countries didn’t need to vaccinate against that.

    That’s how these myths spread, part truth+loads of bullshit.

  • Perhaps it should be decided by a cognitive test instead of age. This is a dangerous road though, because a lot of people with cognitive disabilities can and should be allowed to vote for themselves.

    Maybe the test could be made to test if a person understands what an election is and them being able to form their own opinion.

    The main issue isn’t age, but rather that a lot of people vote for something that they think others expect them to vote for without ever forming an opinion of their own.

    However those people should also be allowed to represent themselves, so I think all elections ought to have the option of voting for “shit, I don’t know, I have no idea what’s this is about”, and if that vote came over a certain threshold, then the election should be void and postponed for a week.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    12 days ago

    Fuckin space garbage is what it is.

    Yes it was impressive that they landed a rocket again once, but the quantity of launches and satellites is doing nothing good for anyone. It should’ve been a stepping stone for better technology, but instead they’re just mining money. Privately owned space engineering is a disgrace to humanity.

    Space engineering used to unite even the worst opponents as with the international space station, but now those institutions are underfunded, while billionaire space-musk can shoot his loads into the atmosphere without any regard to the rest of the worlds population living inside said sphere.

    Tax the asshole already.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldOh Elon
    13 days ago

    Never used it. Never missed it. Never lost touch.

    Anything that ever happened on that site worthy of being called “being in touch” has always been and always will be reported elsewhere too if its actually worthwhile. I see more more of it than I want to anyway. Even this post.

    You can quit it today and not miss out on anything.

  • Ok, now I’m not a linguist and also not English, but in my opinion there’s a difference. “People” is a broad undefined group. “Persons” is a more defined group.

    Adding “those” in front also alienates them further. So by saying “those people”, you are distancing yourself from them, despite them being your family. That is the amusing part for the person you talked to. You mildly insulted your family.

    In a similar vain, “some people say” all the stuff that you won’t to be heard saying yourself, even if it’s your own opinion.

    Or in some places (this might be more local) using "you"or even “one” instead of “me” when answering personal questions. For instance if someone asks: “How does it make you feel?” and answered: “It makes you feel sad” then the person answering it is distancing themselves from their own answer by literally answering on behalf on some unknown “you” when they should be using “me”. Using “people” is sort of the same just on behalf of someone else.