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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • clara@feddit.uktoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery time
    8 months ago

    opinion time:

    the truth is players don’t lose all the time. companies setup the matches to deliver a 50/50 win loss ratio, because if they didn’t do this, then some players would be losing all the time, these players would uninstall, and then they lose money because they can’t sell boxes or whatever they push these days.

    however, humans also experience losses worse than wins. the magnitude of a loss emotion is typically greater than an equivalent win emotion. we evolved like this to make sure you didn’t lose your stash of food in the tree somewhere, or perhaps at the back of the cave - if you did, you died, and so those humans who preserved a sense of dread when experiencing loss were more likely to pass on their genetics. this is why playerbases constantly whinge and moan about being on the losing team - you are actually getting 50/50 win/loss, but your brain only pays attention to the losses, it doesn’t remember the wins as well, and so your perception is distorted.

    only in some rare brains is this emotion spread dampened - these rare humans are able to tank losses easily. it still feels bad for them, but they can take the hit way easier. these individuals are typically also the professionals in competitive ventures of all strokes. since society sees them as “elite”, this is now seen as a good thing, even though in rougher times, you can’t expect these people to give more than a cursory fuck about the food supply being lost to bears. it’s one of the reasons why you see elite athletes constantly developing drug problems, catching rape charges, and going bankrupt. the loss just isn’t as emotionally bad for them. they can tank it. it’s not psychopathic, it’s just… they have less aversion to losses.

    anyway, if a game is equal, balanced and fair, then an overwhelming majority of the playerbase is experiencing more loss emotion than win emotion, on average. this undercurrent of loss emotion is the true cause of the “violent” part of “violent video games”. it’s not the shooting itself, it’s the competition between players that festers these loss emotions, that then causes the aggression.

    boomer legislators get this part mixed up and confused all the time, and so they speak reductively of the problem when they demand less bloodsplatter and gun imagery. what they don’t get, is FIFA, Super Smash Bros, Rocket League etc, can also cause this horrible feeling, because they are competitive games. it’s the competition that does it, not the violence. this is the true origin of toxicity in playerbases. no wonder DotA2 players always have 4000+ hours and say “i hate it, but lets go again”. “just 1 more round” it sounds like drugs, doesn’t it? “just 1 more bump brooo”. “cmonnn, just 1 more”.

    solution: stop playing competitive matchmaking. it’s not good for you, it’s not healthy. you are feeding your brain a virtual drug. you are chasing the win, just like a gambler. stop feeding your ego, you don’t need to be good at a game to feel valid. overwhelming chances are you don’t have a “winner-style” competitive brain that will help you cope with loss emotions and truly let you enjoy comp/ranked games, so please stop trying. you’re hurting yourself. “top” rank will never be worth your mental health. you have to let it go.❤️

    sources: (loss emotion magnitude in dota2, pdf)[https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7348&context=etd].

    (elite athletes found to be arrested far more frequently for DV and SA than non-athletes)[https://commons.emich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1483&context=honors]

    (competitive games, not the “cosmetically violent” games, lead to aggression)[https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2011/08/video-games]

    and lastly, my own personal experience dealing with this in 2018. most of this post is anecdotal, it’s an opinion piece, and i don’t care to back this up further.

  • i do have a question, sure

    for the avoidance of doubt, you are saying that a matrix bridge can copy all previous messages over from a discord server, to a matrix server, even the messages made before the creation of the bridge? i.e, transfer the entire conversation log over to the matrix server, going back all the way to the first message in a channel?

    actually, phrasing this another way, i just caught myself in the XY problem. what i need really, is a copy of a given discord server’s content, onto a fresh matrix server. bridge or no bridge. is there any way to (broadly) copy and paste the content of a discord channel over to a matrix server, one time only. i know how to extract the discord content using the discord chat log tool, tokens etc. so, say i have one of those html files with the full chatlog and contents - how do i put that into a matrix server, and have it roughly readable? (if that’s possible)

    thank you for your patience, i have tried search engines for months with no clear answers

  • this might be a good place for me to reach out into the void

    i’m interested in migrating two of my servers over to a matrix server, but i also want to back-copy all the old messages to the matrix client.

    does a matrix bridge do all this copying? i.e, if i was to setup a discord-matrix bridge, allow messages to sync, and then disconnect the bridge, does the matrix server then have a copy of all the old messages? it doesn’t have to match to the old users or anything, i’m just interested in having the content migrate over.

    this is currently the biggest hurdle for me, because one of my servers is a private family discord, and i really don’t want to have to explain to my mum that “all the content of the last 4 years is gone” 😅

  • clara@feddit.uktoMemes@lemmy.mlIm not crazy, you're crazy.
    11 months ago

    i see a lot of commenters thinking this is a bot meme. so, i’m gonna explain the joke in excruciatingly painful detail for the normies, who i hope are never required to “get” this meme otherwise.


    in hospitals, people sometimes decorate the floor with various liquids, sometimes willingly.

    as a cleaner, you need to be able to dump a bucket of bleach on this hospital floor, and get scrubbing quickly.

    to facilitate this, the floors are made out of a smooth material with minimal pores. you dump bleach, and it just works.

    this comes with a side effect of the floor needing to be very, very slippy.


    psych ward patients must have all their gear removed, this includes shoes and socks.

    this is because you can use the laces and elastic to commit sudoku.

    but now all your psych patients are at high risk of slips and falls instead.

    to counter this, “hospital grip socks” are issued, like the yellow socks in the bottom left of OP’s meme.

    these are issued to patients as part of their hospital uniform, to counter the slippy floor problem.

    you can now navigate your room safely without slipping and injuring yourself.

    these socks are also issued to regular patients like elderly, weak to stand, etc etc. but on the internet, these are “psych ward socks”


    so, the actual joke is that OP is outing themself as a psych patient by demonstrating knowledge of the uniform.

    sidenote: i assume the orange sandals are for bougie in-patients at private facilities? it seems silly tbh, i would want to throw them.

  • ah okay, i’m way out of my depth then. thanks for the advice

    my specific problems are with fanta zero and coke cherry zero. if not the aspartame, then is there a possible cause that isn’t confirmation bias, or caffeine? i don’t have problems with other drinks with caffeine, and i should stress that i drink 2L of water a day regardless of whether i have a can of soda (in addition). i.e, it’s not headaches from dehydration either.

    i’m willing to accept the possibility that i am an idiot and it’s just confirmation bias, but if anyone knows any other possible causes, i’d be happy to learn 🙂

    another question i have regarding point #2, how much sugar is too much to cause the effects you mention (i.e in one can?). for context, i live in the UK, and most cans of soda are restricted to 16.5g of sugar for the whole can, because of a sugar tax. is 16.5g in one go enough to cause liver damage?

    thank you for reading