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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Hey! I highly recommend checking out this starter config: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim. From their readme:

    A starting point for Neovim that is:

    • Small
    • Single-file (with examples of moving to multi-file)
    • Documented
    • Modular

    This repo is meant to be used by YOU to begin your Neovim journey; remove the things you don’t use and add what you miss.

    To answer your question, vim (and consequently neovim) technically support a wide range of solutions for linting (there are a lot of plugins from the vim days, both language-specific and generalist), but nowadays neovim has leaned strongly into using LSP (“Language Server Protocol”), which was pioneered by the VS Code team.

    Basically, in VS Code, when you get a language plugin, you’re downloading a language server for that language, which is a program that your editor (whether VS Code or neovim) communicates with to get information that it then uses for linting, syntax highlighting, and code actions. The great thing is, these language servers are editor-agnostic; there are language servers for just about every language, typically written either by the language maintainers themselves, or by 3rd parties.

    Neovim has built-in support for using LSP, but it can be a bit of a hassle to set up by hand. The configuration I’ve linked you has a pretty decent basic setup for that, including keybinds for common actions. It also has a couple plugins that make LSP stuff very easy, like Mason. I don’t remember if it has null-ls, but if it doesn’t, consider trying that out as well. The configuration in question uses a plugin manager called “Lazy”; it’s linked in the documentation.

    If you have any questions, let me know. Have fun!

  • Actually, I haven’t gotten around to trying Wayland yet! Mostly because i3 on X11 works well enough for me already.

    I mean, I literally just plugged in my monitor, then went into Arandr and dragged the funny rectangles a little.

    Edit: For reference, my multi-monitor setup is literally just 2 monitors side by side. In my case, I did have to change some settings, specifically set the left one as primary rather than the right one, and make them tile in a slightly different way. But I wouldn’t say it involved any “jank” — just some configuration, same as it would on any other OS. (Specifically, I dual-boot windows 10 for some rather silly reasons, and I found the multi-monitor configuration process very comparable in terms of jank or complexity.)