• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoVideos@lemmy.worldGarbage Stew
    16 hours ago

    What the hell am I even watching?? I knew Jack was a being of chaos, but this looks like something a 3 year old would make. I like how all of the ingredient are near expired or otherwise questionable…

    Edit: Jesus Christ, I looked at some of Jack’s more recent videos. He has had multiple strokes and is starting on the “carnivore diet” in an attempt to help himself. This man is delusional and it’s going to kill him more rapidly than he was doing beforehand.

  • While I agree that Biden no longer really seems fit to be president, the dangerous Trump argument is absolutely not one to be downplayed. A man that attempted to overthrow the government in a tantrum when he didn’t get his way should be absolutely nowhere near close to becoming president again. A sack of potatoes or Biden’s literal decomposing corpse would be a better president.

    I agree that it’s disappointing that these are our only two options and that the Dems could not figure out a better candidate this go around.

  • I don’t really care about Ghostbusters, but I found this to be a really interesting video. He seems very wise with a lot of his tips and explaining why he does things the way he does.

    One of the things that he mentioned that I also have personally found helpful is he said something about pre-portioning snacks so you don’t eat too much.

    It’s so incredibly wasteful, but for snacks in my house, I prefer to buy the bulk packages of snack sized portioned snacks (whether it’s chips, nuts, etc.). Thing is, I know it’s so incredibly wasteful for the environment to have things individually wrapped. But when they are individually packaged like that, it’s a hell of a lot easier to see and understand just exactly how much you’re eating and usually stop yourself before you get too deep. Sure, it’s more economical and wasteful to buy a giant family sized package of chips. But when I have to open each individual 150 cal snack bag, it’s a lot easier to stop at only 1 or 2 bags.

    Of course, not every snack comes packaged this way. I have thought about buying certain snacks and then pre-portioning them myself like he does, but it involves a lot more hassle and I don’t have anything like a kitchen scale.

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoLemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.worldLooking for new Site Admins
    7 days ago

    Oh please. Power hungry? I have no problem with piracy, but you bet your ass I wouldn’t want the legal liability of hosting a piracy community. Do you know that in many countries, mods/admins are risking jail time when they participate in stuff like that? God forbid, some people don’t want to have to worry about going to jail. Get over yourself. There are plenty of other piracy communities all over the internet you can find on your own.

  • I’m not quite the same demographic as you, but I get it.

    For me, it’s simply not possible to have kids unless I adopted. And that ain’t happening (adoption is a long, arduous, and expensive process and I’m only one person…wouldn’t want to take that alone). I suppose technically my body might physically be able to produce kids…I haven’t tried, but that’s missing the point.

    People sometimes ask me if I want kids and it’s just such a silly question for someone like me. It’s like asking if I had a mega mansion, how would I decorate the 7th bathroom? What I want is irrelevant because that’s not at all in the realm of possibility.

    I don’t know if I would want kids or not. But since it’s not possible, it’s not worth dwelling over.

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldSPLORP!
    21 days ago

    I don’t go to natural bodies of water much. Why does it have a drowning risk?

    As someone in a warm climate, I’d be terrified of brain eating amoebas. Based on the foliage in the background though I’d bet they live in a cooler climate with much less risk of that.

  • Well, I mean it’s less weird to write “golf ball-sized hail” bcause it’s a rather common way to describe the size of hail. Energy drink cans are cylindrical, so it doesn’t make immediate sense in anyone’s brain in the sentence as a comparison. I’m guessing the author couldn’t think of a common enough spherical item of the right size to compare with. Still, I think hyphens would have immediately fixed the strangeness, like the person below you commented.

  • I do totally get paying to support something you use a ton.

    But I don’t get comments like this calling blocking ads a cat and mouse game. It’s always been incredibly easy to block ads on the devices I own and I rarely ever have to mess with anything after installing a single browser extension or a single app.

    On my desktop/laptop–ublock origin. I would install this regardless of whether or not I care about YouTube ads because ads on websites in general can be pretty cancerous. So I would already have it on my device to begin with. Install one extension and forget about it. Very occasionally ads start coming through, but then the extension auto updates itself and I don’t have to worry about it. It’s effortless and I absolutely never need to mess with the settings.

    On my phone–YouTube ReVanced. Just basically download I think two APK files and you’re set. I’ve had to reinstall this a single time over the maybe decade(?) I’ve been using it as YouTube had some sort of breaking update or something. But having to install it again once every many years is hardly an inconvenience. Oh I guess I have had to install it again when I’ve gotten a new phone, but that’s really not that odd or inconvenient to me either…and generally I don’t get a new phone that often.

    On my android TV device–SmartTube Next. It’s a single APK file. Set it and forget it. I’ve never had to reinstall the app.

    One caveat with this is that it seems harder to watch YouTube ad free (without paying for premium) on Apple devices. So if you use a lot of Apple products it also makes sense.