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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Which is… Also a real desktop app. This shallow take is getting incredibly old, and doesn’t even contribute to actual valuable discussion… If you don’t see the value in this being shipped, then why try and tear the value down for others?

    I main C#, and even I would rather build cross platform full applications with electron than any of the other options available. I’m definitely choosing it over QT or gtk. Why? Because I can actually ship the project with all the necessary features, in good time, and bake in a great user experience.

    That’s the difference here. Practical problems vs reality. Shipping the project & features vs not.

    Yes, there are many successful applications not built with electron, ofc there are, that’s not my point. My point is that the productivity difference is such that it’s the difference between not building the thing vs building it and successful shipping it to users. You can argue and shit on the difference, but at the end of the day the above is what really matters.

  • They probably have a lot of potential infrastructure savings. $1/80 searches is an absolutely astronomical cost.

    I’m imagining there are quite a few gains they can get by way of optimization, different technologies, and optimizing hot paths to bring that number down.

    It really depends how they built this thing. For instance, if they built this on the AWS ecosystem, using more than straight compute/K8, their costs are going to be an actual order of magnitude higher than if they didn’t.

  • Lemmy is… Not distributed computing.

    If each instance is a separate application than must scale on it’s own, then no distributed computing is occuring.

    There is one database, and you can have the instance itself behind a load balancer.

    Lemmy is not a distributed program, you can’t scale it linearly by adding more nodes. It’s severely limited by it’s database access patterns, to a single DB, and is not capable of being distributed in it’s current state. You can put more web servers behind a load balancer, but that’s not really “distributed computing” that’s just “distributing a workload”, which has a lot of limitations that defeat it being truly distributed.

    Actual distributed applications are incredibly difficult to create at scale, with many faux-distribited applications being made (Lemmy being n-tier im a per instance basis).

    Think of Kafka. Kafka is an actual distributed application.

  • Cloud computing is… Not distributed computing.

    We’re talking about pushing compute workloads across a distributed set of devices where that workload is linearly scalable by the number of devices involved, compute, storage, failovers…etc scale elegantly. Cloud computing can give you the tools to make such a thing a reality within the scope of the cloud provider, but it most definitely is not distributed computing just by existing.

    Also the fediverse is NOT distributed computing either, at least for Lemmy. There is no distributed compute available for Lemmy. You can’t have a few hundred users toss up their own compute to handle loads for an instance. Each instance is limited to a single database, and can have webservers behind a load balancer to spread out the compute. And that’s about the best you’ve got. Not distributed, you can’t just spin up 100 nodes for a Lemmy instance to handle more load and everything “just works”. It’s a very “classic” architecture in a way.

    A K8 cluster isn’t distributed computing until you build a distributed application that can elegantly scale with more and more nodes. And is fault tolerant to nodes straight up dying.

    Kafka for example, is an actual distributed application. One which you could run on a K8 cluster, it self-manages storage, duplication, load balancing, failovers, rebalancing…etc elegantly as you add more nodes. It doesn’t rely on a central DB, it IS the DB, every node. Lemmy is not.