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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • You just can’t fathom that most people just want to use the OS their PC came with.

    No they don’t they want to get a task done. The vast majority of users doesn’t know what an OS or a browser is never mind that there are alternatives.

    These people don’t want to struggle with the incompatibilities that come with Linux systems.

    Most people are simply not aware of Linux systems let alone linux system incompatibilities.

    Troubleshooting Linux systems is a daunting task for most casual users.

    No shit, troubleshooting windows is a daunting task for most casual users. They either nag/pay someone to try and fix it or simply cope with it. And windows fucks up all the time, especially for most users.

    It’s great that you use Linux because fuck greedy corporations. But stop being so uppity about it. This toxic behavior is what steers people away from Linux forums.

    People don’t just randomly get on Linux forums, especially linux memes forums. Nor is my previous comment in any way or form toxic. I just pointed out the blind spot of windows fans, you just can’t handle criticism.

  • Windows always gets a pass from it’s fans. They also tend to overestimate average users’ proficiency with computers (meaning windows) way more than linux users.

    Most windows users would be afraid to change stuff on CP or Settings never mind opening up policy editor or registry editor.

    They regularly fail to install applications on windows (a big part of them would probably not even try) or install something different than intended.

    Usually they end up running million unnecessary things on startup, having completely unresponsive systems. They just shrug and cope with it till they pay someone to format their computer or they buy a new one.

  • I think most internet arguments are like that, the opposing parties are trying to argue their case for the neutrals, people who have not really made up their mind on the issue.

    After all nobody likes to be ‘corrected’ by random strangers. Additionally it’s clearly an important issue for rgullis, he has written some software for lemmy (think a migration tool), has his own instance (with communities, not just to keep track of downvotes). You would expect him to have though his position out (according to his beliefs) and thus not be easily swayed.

    I am just stubborn, perhaps it would be better to ignore being ‘called out’ but… no.

  • I just pointed out “the old times” to respond to your idea that “it has always been this way”. It’s funny how young people think that the world has been invented the moment they were born. Everything that came before that can be simply erased.

    I was born way way before reddit existed. Voting is even older. People may claim they are unbiased etc, use fancy debating terms etc, but in the end they vote (whether via explicit voting mechanism ala reddit/lemmy or +1 posts) based on their opinions. In a lot of cases such as discussing nazism for example it makes no sense.

    that it skews too much to the right.

    You can’t read? The actual full quote is

    The issue with Nazism is not that it is extreme, that it skews too much to the right.

    maybe you think you saw a ‘it’s’ after the comma, maybe you think that the negative (‘not’) does not apply to the sentence after the comma (incorrectly) but most likely you are again being dishonest.

    My position is explicitly that I do not care about left and right. I do not abhor Nazism because of it’s position on a left-right axis but because it considers people vermin that have to be exterminated.

    Thank you very much for showing your true colors.

    ‘The pot calling the kettle black’ was never more appropriate. Though I suppose a pants-on-fire liar would be mostly red.

    You can go now…

    Thanks for your permission your highness.

  • No, that is absolutely false. Before Reddit’s Eternal September, voting was used as a way to signal quality content and it pretty much was followed by a good majority of the people.

    Ah, yes the good old times. Just don’t take off your nostalgia-tinted glasses.

    And this is precisely what people are talking about here. You might not see that way, but tankies are extremists. There are people that don’t want to join any conversation there, and therefore this is why they want alternatives.

    The issue with Nazism is not that it is extreme, that it skews too much to the right. Nazism is inherently evil because it claims certain peoples are not worth existing and should be eliminated.

    It makes they think "what is so bad about this comment that it really warrants the downvote.

    I wonder what could make you think of honesty.

    I didn’t ask you to remove the downvote. I asked you only to explain your reasoning, which is now quite clearly faulty.

    Of course not. You wanted to make an example of me and the other guy to prevent a pile-on, that is more people downvoting you. You are blackmailing them by showing them what could happen to them. Obviously it’s not working because it’s just some posts on an internet forum.

  • YES! It’s not like votes are worth anything here, but one of the reasons that voting mechanisms become completely useless as a way to signal quality conversations is when people blindly upvote/downvote everything just because they don’t like what is being said. People that do what you are doing end up showing more about themselves than about the one posting the comment that you didn’t like.

    Indeed voting is worthless here, you do not get blocked from posting like reddit so there’s no silencing effect. Voting has always been about whether you agree or not with an opinion, not about the quality of a conversation (an abstract concept, realistically immeasurable). Yes reddit had/has the Reddiquette, it was not ever actually followed by the users. Turns out you can’t just redefine thing on a whim.

    Would you feel so defensive about it if the communities were being hosted in a right-wing instance?

    Right-wing as in neo-nazi ? I would not join a community in that server. Right wing as in pro-Israelor pro-capitalism? I do participate and get in meaningless flame wars when their callousness gets the best of me. I will not hold it against communities that do not deal with these issues and are just hosted on that instance.

    Because it makes people think about what about the comment they are downvoting, instead of reflexively clicking on a button.

    Think of what?

    It does not fit at all. I’m not trying to get anything out of you for my own benefit, and I am not doing it to submit you into compliance.

    Does not voting against your post not count as compliance?

  • … Do you think I can just keep the last comment in mind or something?

    The discussion takes place in a post linking https://lemmy.world/post/16211417 . Surely that brings it into scope? The linked post begins

    I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy’s massive tankie censorship problem

    That does seem hostile to me. As does the drive to try and split communities

    Also, me calling you out is not “blackmailing”, just me ensuring that downvotes like yours don’t become a pile-on.

    You have to be kidding me. Why would tagging people who downvoted a post prevent a pile-on of downvotes? Is it a lemmy bug? Or is it that some people who would want to downvote your post would be intimidated by being ‘called out’? Maybe my English is bad but vote->get called-out seems to fit ‘blackmail’ just fine.

  • I don’t understand. If I go to their site at https://mullvad.net the obvious choice to download their software is to click at ‘Downloads’ at the top of the page. It already autodetected I am running Linux and has me on the Linux tab.

    Sure there are two download options but the first one says it works on Ubuntu and the second says it works on Fedora. You get a file you can just double click and install. Windows installation works the same way. You download a file and double click it.

    You don’t have to use the terminal you don’t really have to know more about sudo than you need about Windows UAC, you don’t have to know what a package or .deb is anymore than what a win32 executable or an Windows’ .msi file is.

    People giving you more complicated answers either did not check the website (because they presumed you did) or if they did they think you want more features such as auto-updating which in Windows also requires a more complex install than downloading a file and opening it.

  • You should never have been on lemmy according to your stated goals of a ‘safe’ closed community. Your actions during the reddit exodus while you were still a big part of the lemmyverse (especially regarding communities) certainly did not do the rest of lemmy any good. Not that I think you care.

    It’s better for lemmy if you leave, it’s better for your goals to leave so just do it.