• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • It is theoreticaly possible, but praticaly speaking it would be near impossible.

    To acomplish this, you need to get 51% of the population (who actually vote) to all vote for one person. However, with FPTP, you get one choice on the ballot. Is the average voter going to risk their vote on a 3rd party, or vote for who they belive to be the “lesser evil” of the two that have a shot at winning?

    Even if you do manage to get 51%, there’s the electoral collage. Never forget, our democracy has built in the ability to overwrite the presidential vote.

    Your first hurdle is getting any one to name an independent candidate.

    Edit: adjusted some wording to be better.

  • You should probably get a louder smoke decetor if you can barely hear it upstairs.

    I’m going to go with the DIY approach;

    For the water sensor, I’d look into the possibility of linking the basement alarm to a speaker upstairs. I’ve no idea what kind of alarm you’re looking at or what the electronics are like. Theoreticaly, you can jump off the audio signal just before it reaches the speaker. Send the audio signal through an amp (located close* to the alarm, preferably where it won’t get wet) and connect it to a speaker upstairs.

    I would never try to mess with a smoke detector I rely on, but a water sensor…buy two and have fun.

    *the amp is to overcome voltage drop in the new cable, I doubt that the sensor electronics will be capable of driving a seperate speaker with at least 30 ft of cable between it.

  • Parents: you need to read lots of book in your free time to get smart and go to collage.

    ~~~ Many years later ~~~

    Me: I would like to attend university next year. I will pursue an education in literature to achieve my goal of becoming a published author.

    Parents: you will not! There is no success as an author, I will not support you going to to school for such a waste.

  • I’m going to copy paste a reply I left somewhere else. This was for iOS AI, I’m unsure what the implemention for macOS is. If they are scanning everything then I do not support it.

    From what I saw,

    MS Recall is a 24/7 AI monitor system that captures everything you look at and saves it for later. They didn’t even do the bare minimum for protecting the data, it was just dumped in an unencytped folder where anyone get wholesale access to the data. All trust has been lost.

    Apple is using AI as a tool to improve specific tasks/features that a user invokes. Things like assistant queries and the new calculator. They have said some promising things in regards to privacy, specificly with the use of ChatGPT - any inquiry sent to ChatGPT will ask the user permission first and obscure their IP. This shows they care enough to try, they have not lost our trust - but we remain skeptical.

    If apple tries the same thing by scanning everything wholesale, then that’s getting over shadowed by the promises made by the implentaion on the much more popular iOS.

  • “What ever you do, do not breath in the concrete dust. We also packaged it in a flimsy paper bag allowing all the dust spill out and enter the air.”

    On one hand I get why they do it, you need a lot of bags for larger jobs and trying to put those in plastic containers is extremely wasteful and costly, but they could at least double ply the bags or something.