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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • I seriously almost did this. I visited the Netherlands, and fell absolutely head over heels for their way of life. It’s so damn peaceful and free! You don’t have to worry about getting shot when you’re running errands. You don’t have to worry about going bankrupt through medical expenses. You don’t have to worry about going to jail over weed or mushrooms. You don’t have to buy a car, because bicycling infrastructure and public transportation is AMAZING.

    While I was there I met a lovely chap who is originally from England. He told me that he spent a holiday in Amsterdam, and broke his leg. So he stayed at the hospital, and afterwards, just didn’t leave. He’s been working/living there ever since.

    When it came time for me to leave, I had accidentally missed my train, and it was going to be some extra money to switch around my flight/train to get back home, and a part of me was seriously considering just being like “fuck it” and staying. The only thing stopping me from moving there now is the knowledge that I’d have to continue paying taxes to the U.S. if I wanted to keep my citizenship while living and paying taxes in the Netherlands. 😑

    If anyone can tell me a way around this… please do, because I want to move to the Netherlands.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldThe soft hum
    22 days ago

    There is something so damned satisfying about inserting a floppy disk, that the younger generation will never know. It’s like the sound of the needle dropping onto the initial smooth surface of the vinyl record, but even more satisfying because the computer turns into a field machine for a second with all of it’s “KA-CHUNK WHRRRRRR THUNKA THUNKA THUNKA DICT DIT DIT” noises

  • Son of Patricia was OK. But it mostly relied on him doing impressions of people he grew up with. It was funny, but in a middling sort of way. It’s lazy joke writing that’s comparable to Larry the Cable Guy or Jeff Dunham.

    Just because he’s black, doesn’t mean that disliking his performance is racist. In fact, it’s racist to suggest it. He’s just not as good as Colbert or Stewart. Not like I hate him, he’s fine. Just not as good at the Daily Show job.

  • I mean if he was amazing then

    Mr. Noah’s incarnation of “The Daily Show” drew an average nightly audience of just over 1 million viewers for the week ending Sept. 1, according to Nielsen, well short of the 2 million or more who tuned in for Mr. Stewart’s program

    You’re saying people didn’t like him because he was black, and spoke of his international experiences. I don’t think so. I watched a lot of his episodes, and the writing just wasn’t there. Additionally, his interviewing skills are subpar. Often interrupting or talking over his guest, right when they’re about to say something interesting.