• 7 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • To me I see this as a classic struggle many men have in a patriarchal society. Op is constantly wanting to be “manly” through having sex, taking a “manly” job that doesn’t fit with their true self, and feels in order to be a full human they need to be extraverted and with that usually comes a domination mindset.

    A great podcast for the lads here who are struggling with that is the “Man Enough” podcast. I felt so seen by it and moments where I was in tears.

    Men find themselves in an awkward position of being both the victim and perpetrator of a patriarchal society.

  • Also from my interactions on here:

    On one side I have an old catholic bum who is committing genocide (by allowing companies to sell to a man who is committing genocide), and in the other side I have a convicted felon who would absolutely continue the genocide while removing my human rights and wants to turn the country into a dictatorship.

    As a leftist, these two are exactly the same and I’m not voting.

  • What I find so interesting about painting people you disagree with as a monolith is that it naturally makes the argument you are against contradictory.

    One group of people cheers Uber and you disagree with that.

    Then another group of people (granted there will be some overlap) decry Uber later on.

    These are two different people, but when you treat them as one, you’re bound to see your opposition as being contradictory at best and contrarian at worst.

  • meep_launcher@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    2 months ago

    I’m also a cis white dude, but I’ve grown past the stage of saying “woah is me I’m standing in a place of privilege”. That attitude does nothing for anyone.

    Allow yourself to be called out, because that’s how you get called in. If you want change, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable, because that’s what growing feels like. That discomfort is part of you having empathy for others, but it will go away as you learn to love and respect those who are not like you.

    I get it, it’s easy to want to focus on how patriarchal systems have put us in a strange position of being both an aggressor and a victim, and it’s easier to face being a victim than considering how we’ve been complicit in this system. We do need to talk about men’s new role in an egalitarian society, and how we can best support men going forward, but being apathetic towards the dignity of others is not how you topple capitalism.

  • meep_launcher@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    2 months ago

    I accidentally misgender trans people all the time. Never have I ever been accused of being transphobic because I handle it like calling someone the wrong name accidentally. I quickly correct myself and move on, and actively do my best to remember their pronouns going forward.

    Sure, it takes half a braincell of effort at first, but then it becomes easier. This is a strategy known as “not being a dick”.

    That said I call everyone Carl because I’m too lazy to learn everyone’s name, and I don’t want to walk on eggshells to make sure I don’t call someone the wrong name accidentally./s

  • Israel is defeated like the US was defeated in Afghanistan. It’s not that the Taliban managed to get tanks rolling through DC, but they killed our international image and took away prescious time, money, energy, and lives. They suffered magnitudes more than us, so just like in any war, there were no winners.

    We keep saying “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”, but I’m starting to think that we should consider negotiating with terrorists*.

    '*Understanding the definition of terrorist is very subjective