mycorrhiza they/them

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Animal Farm

    The plot reads like a sunday school scare piece to warn children about the dangers of satanism. It’s so vague and allegorical that you can’t really critique it. The message is basically “if you revolt against the capitalists, a scary bad man will take over and hurt you.” Also pretty disgusting that it portrays workers as farm animals and capitalists as humans. It’s a very “American schools during the Cold War would make kids read that” kind of book.

    It’s not surprising that Orwell was a bigoted snitch who ratted leftists out to British intelligence, and was especially keen on turning in jews, black people, homosexuals, and anyone he deemed “anti-white.”

    I’ll also throw in Asimov’s review of 1984 while I’m ranting about this creep

    framework for statecraft

    I kinda give side-eye to anyone really fond of the word statecraft. It’s sort of an “I look up to a lot of neoliberal ghouls” shibboleth.

  • It really doesn’t. A lot of the time they’re flippant not because they have no interest in discussion but because so many libs dismiss and sneer at their vilified and misunderstood political positions — I’ve seen people literally assume they’re Trump supporters or Putin supporters and go around saying so to anyone who asks — and it makes discussion frustrating or outright impossible. Conveying a lot of background information to someone who is hostile and not listening is difficult. So they’re flippant, and it becomes a vicious cycle.

  • The nazis rose to power because they were backed by capitalists and the German establishment, and the reason they were backed was that they helped suppress a resurgent socialist movement in Germany and redirect the frustration of the german middle class toward scapegoated minorities and away from capitalists. Nazis co-opted socialist language and messaging, but were staunch capitalists and class-collaborationists who carried out mass privatization and crushed labor organizing.

  • If I started arguing something about any of my fields of study and you seem less well versed, that doesn’t give me the right to berate you for it

    what if I acted like I was well-versed and scoffed at your opinions about a subject you knew more than me about?

    limit your arrogance

    it’s not arrogance, it’s frustration. That’s also why I pointed out the misspelling, to point out that you don’t know about this topic and yet you are confident in your opinions about it.

    Libya is not an English word, it’s a country name — but that said, I didn’t consider that your language might use a totally different script, e.g., in Chinese, Libya is 利比亚