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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • Historically it’s not miracles that brought banking regulation (unless you believe that bit abut Jesus in the temple), it’s trajedy, like 1929 and WW2.

    it probably won’t get that bad though because these days they’ll keep bailing them out, their failures paid for by your economic future - gradually enough so that it’s not as bad in concentration as 1929, just spread it out into long term inflation so that it’s harder to notice. All the whiile people can keep tightening their belts.

    And, I’m not saying people shouldn’t; being frugal is good, but, once you’ve switched to your frugal lifetyle, it’s increasingly hard to make the next round of cuts, and the next one and the next . . .

  • cool, that actually looks like a good idea. Interesting for sync uses too , say, in film as i think so long as you re-performed the melody (not the “song”) you’d be royalty free. I do think it’d be funny to hear the Joni Mitchell paved paradise melody in a car commercial - but that’s still creative freedom. Interesting stuff.

  • They’re just looking at death rates, not the reduced economic activity due to restrictions in usable land, and the transition costs for moving. They also looked at, say, the mortality rate for the thyroid cancer and count the 2-8% death rate only The other 92% suffered nothing I guess. . . /s

    But i’ll grant them that coal seems way way worse. Though basing on 2007 study is a time before the IED kicked in and a lot of LCPD plants were running limited hours instead of scrubbers - modern coal has to be cleaner by the directive - unfortunately the article is paywalled so hard to tell what their sample was based on time-wise and tech-wise.

    Hydro estimate is interesting because it shows the impact of the one off major catastrophic event.

  • Perpetual motion machines are one of the mothers of all snake oil. Maybe AI can turn base metals into gold too. Do these AIs even really have a demonstrable understanding of thermodynamics yet? It needs to prove itself with a usable output for a clear observabe application on a small scale scale before anyone should start chucking vast amounts of energy at it in hope of what it can “maybe” do. I’d much rather chuck all that energy into trials of tokamaks or something like that.