Admiral Patrick

Ask me anything.

I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Usually those are only 0% for a certain period of time. After that, the interest rates are typically higher than average.

    So if you utilize it and pay it off completely during the 0% phase, they really don’t make any money. They make money when you carry a balance past that, or if/when you continue using that line of credit after the 0% period has ended.

    That’s my understanding, anyway, as I have seen 0% APR offers, but they always are for a limited amount of time.

    That, or there’s some kind of massive penalty if you miss a payment or something. Definitely read the fine print lol.

  • Can’t speak for OP, but the Vault software itself is fine. It’s their recent change in licensing that has a lot of people upset and looking for alternatives:

    That is why today we are announcing that HashiCorp is changing its source code license from Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPL 2.0) to the Business Source License (BSL, also known as BUSL) v1.1 on all future releases of HashiCorp products. HashiCorp APIs, SDKs, and almost all other libraries will remain MPL 2.0.

    BSL 1.1 is a source-available license that allows copying, modification, redistribution, non-commercial use, and commercial use under specific conditions. With this change we are following a path similar to other companies in recent years.

  • Funny you mention that.

    Our city’s treatment plant was a frequent field trip destination. I think I went 3 times (two different class trips, and once again with my engineering club). All 3 times, the plant manager gave the tour and concluded it by drinking a glass of water out of the output pipe to show how clean the water was that they were putting back into the river. (Supposedly, anyway).

    As proud as he was for what they did there and of the standards they had, I’m going to give him the benefit of doubt that it was the actual effluent from the plant he was drinking. He always seemed fine and never hesitated to down a glass of it.

    So yeah, like you said, people probably haven’t been exposed to that to know how clean the water that comes out of treatment plants usually is.