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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2024


  • France made a big mistake to go all in.

    Not only does Germany import electricity from France (which comes from…?), but Germany has (according to this) a substantially higher carbon footprint per capita.

    If the only issue is cost and projects taking longer than expected, isn’t that a good tradeoff for carbon neutral power?

    And yes, of course, I would prefer renewables, you would prefer renewables, we all would. But it’s somewhat disingenuous to decry the use of nuclear, advocate for renewables, and at the same time, rely heavily on coal, as Germany does (or at the very least, did recently.

  • Yeah, I feel like the right has such a black-and-white/zero nuance view of things. So then the left goes and does the same thing!

    My sense is that these A*AB movements are really trying to say, “the institution of X is fundamentally flawed,” and that’s something I agree with definitely. But it’s worded provocatively, which is just…assinine. Like, the little old lady who would be priced out of her home if not for renting out a room to a college kid, below market value? Yeah total bastard…

  • We really need to see info from the BIOS — exact CPU model, RAM speed, etc.

    As others have pointed out, this is a pretty anachronistic build — i586 with DDR1 is just weird, so it’s possible there’s some really niche hardware and you may need an exotic kernel (or kernel options) to get anything to boot.

    That said: have you just tried running a standard live or install CD from that time period? You could try booting a 2001 Slackware installer to see what happens.

  • I’d definitely recommend getting a credit report (not from the websites that advertise with an insane jingle, but from the actual credit bureaus — you’re entitled to a free report). Mine had debt from a relative with a similar name; I was able to get that removed. They will also tell you in more detail what goes in to calculating it.

    I agree that it’s not perfect, and often very opaque, but you should be able to get some understanding of why she doesn’t have good credit.