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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024

  • So this happened under Obama. People voted blue no matter who, gave Dems a super majority and they used it to pass a GOP-crafted bill that forced people to pay for useless private insurance.

    The party itself needs to change and the types of candidates that the establishment supports needs to change. That doesn’t happen when they can do their pied piper thing and keep winning. And no “just one last hit” won’t let them overcome the addiction to corporate conservativism.

  • People do understand that concept, but it’s literally what Democrats have been doing for the past 40 years and it has put us right here where we are right now. The “lesser of two evils” thing just has no propellant left, no one is buying that line anymore. Neoliberalism needs to go before Democrats can start winning again.

    You need to understand that people have been saying “just put the neolibs in power again and we’ll work to improve things” every election cycle, and now we are closer to fascism than we’ve literally ever been. You at least understand why people see that strategy as a failure, right? Like, you understand why no one believes it anymore?

  • It’s the blood pumping through your arteries. I used to get this even in my teens after very long walks. You’re literally just feeling your own pulse as your heart works a bit harder to meet your body’s elevated demand for blood/oxygen.

    I’m not sure why it seems to be more apparent after milder activity, but maybe something like walking doesn’t dialate your blood vessels so much so there’s a bit more pressure at certain points?

    If you want to confirm its your blood vessels and not muscles, check your pulse as it’s happening and see if its the same rythmn.

    As far as I know it’s normal, since I was in peak physical condition at that age (a lot of athletics, running etc.) but if it seems unusual for you personally I guess bring it up to a doctor.

  • The Abrahamic religions are based on superstious oral traditions that extend into the bronze age. They are a hodge podge of cults and spiritual traditions that got absorbed as tribes genocided eachother over the millenia. Taking over a conquered group’s pantheon is a regular occurrence throughout history, similar to how the Romans took Christianity and adapted it. There are remnants in the torah/old testament of the stitching together of different polytheistic religious narratives that eventually became the Abrahamic traditions.

    I don’t really care about technical specifics of when any given era of the Abrahamic religions began, believing in invisible skymen is not the same as a material tool or a mathematical proof. It’s a bunch of bullshit stories people told eachother for why the rain fell or why lightning happened, it belongs in the past, there’s no excuse to still believe it now.

  • All the Abrahamic religions are death cults. It’s just as morbid as muslim sects that force women to dress head to toe black robes or w/e. The extremism just becomes part of the scenery when you’re around it, but it’s all objectively bizzare.

    Like think about it, these religions were literally invented by bronze age goat herds who thought the earth was flat and covered by a dome, and people in the modern day still believe in them. It’s literally group insanity.

    It would be like someone who still believes in the greek gods or something.

  • I’d imagine it’s connected to both. Russia and China are the main antagonists to US hegemony, hoping they’ll get to be the next empire if they can drive enough of a wedge between western allies and get enough debt colonialism going in SA and Africa.

    So yeah, they are fostering crisis, authoritarian sentiment, and spinning anti-democratic narrative wherever they can, but Israel’s genocide and complete disregard for things like the ICC/ICJ (the kinds of institutions upon which the post-war rules based order is supposed to rest) has only further degraded US international standing. Biden vetoing UN resolutions and chastising the international courts for investigating Israel does not help.

    Biden’s whole election schtick was that he was there to reassure the rest of the world after Trump’s carastrophic administration, and now he’s showing his ass anyway.

  • You do understand Haiti is being run by gangs at the moment, right? Close to a hundred thousand people have fled the capital city, this isn’t some righteous revolution or something, it’s a bunch of small time fascists taking advantage of a weak state and an unwillingness by the US to get involved try to seize power.

    The UN and US are providing funding to help Kenya provide some kind of security. Whats your alternative? Let Haiti burn?