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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024

  • It was not a feudal state. It was roughly similar to post-slavery South in the USA.

    Yes, I already wrote they didn’t “achieve communism”. It’s the point of my text that they were promising it in the future in exchange for loyalty to a weird system in the present.

    Sorry, wrong comment.

    and forced the Soviets to waste resources on a strong military.

    Oh, so it’s “the capitalist nations”, not the way Soviet system worked, made this so expensive?

    But even despite their failings, communism was still the best thing to ever happen to Russia.

    Stolypin and Witte are generally considered something much, much better. The closest it came to a normal society with civilization potential.

    Unfortunately, Russia was also the worst thing that ever happened to communism.

    One could argue Khmer Rouge were that, but IRL communists’ incredible ability to just pretend it didn’t happen makes USSR the most notable example.

  • anticommunist propaganda

    As if that was needed to show how communists do things.

    people feel like they’re getting fucked, and Trump offers a clear, simple narrative of who is fucking them


    Kamala comes across more as representing the political establishment, and her messaging doesn’t tap into that dissatisfaction or contrarian nature

    Not only that’s correct, but she’s still your enemy. It’s just a situation where one has to choose what’s worse. From my point of view far from USA - Trump is immediately worse. But that doesn’t mean Harris is going to radically improve things.

    It’s sad you have no third strong grassroots movement, but that seems to be the case in every shitty election.

    Russia, when it supposedly had those, first was choosing between Yeltsin and his “kinda democrats, but with that smell” and “red-brown” communists with Stalin pics and swastikas, second between Putin and senile communists, the third one was between thinly masqueraded Putin and rich city kids, and then it kinda lost meaning. Trump is kinda similar to the “red-brown” side in the first example.

    One can find many such example.

  • Dunno, my cousins’ dad was a 17yo soldier. One can say it was a better time cause he was on the winning side, and now that has become the losing side.

    Mass surveillance was more old-school, but governments were still pretty harsh.

    They had Trump. He just was younger, Democrat and apparently popular.

    They had AI in your spam mail.

    Climate collapse … again, where half my family is from, war broke logistics in the 90s, so to have heat at winter people would cut down trees. A lot of forest lost. But one can say it was a better time because “the world” cared more about civilians suffering than about forests. I suspect now climate activists would act differently.

  • Telegram is not a privacy tool.

    I mean, if he’s convicted for a privacy tool, while it’s not a privacy tool, we have a bit of ambiguity.

    Arguably advertising something which is not a privacy tool as one is fraud. Maybe even phishing, since TG the company has in plaintext all the chat history of its users.

    And this

    The meaning of that word “complicity” seems to be revealed by the last three charges: Telegram has been providing users a “cryptology tool” unauthorised by French regulators.

    in non-libertarian language means something similar, that is, that something not confirmed to be a privacy tool is being provided as a privacy tool.

    I am a libertarian, but in this case they are consistent, if I’m reading this correctly. They are not abusing power, they are doing exactly what they are claiming to be doing.

    Also maybe I’m just tired of Telegram. It’s engaging, and I have AuDHD, which means lots of energy spent, and I can’t drop it completely because work, and also some small communities are available as TG channels. Would be wonderful were they to move at least to WhatsApp, but it is what it is.

    Still, ability to easily create a blog (what a TG channel really is for its users) reachable without bullshit is a niche in huge demand. LJ filled that at some point, Facebook did at another, TG does now.

    Something like this is desperately needed. I’d say the solution should be complementary to Signal - that is, DMs and small groups should not be its thing. Neither should be privacy of huge chats and channels - they’d be public anyway. However, anonymity with means to counter spam should, so should be metadata of user activity.

  • If Signal was really as secure and private like everyone says it is then their executives would already be in jail and whatnot for “enabling criminal activities”.

    It doesn’t have anything to do with what “everyone says”. We don’t do that with security. Well, Telegram users do, but Charles Darwin wrote about that process. Others look at what academics say or are competent enough themselves (no, you are not).